# dotfiles This repo contains the dots from my latest install of Arch Linux. Deploy with [GNU/Stow](https://www.gnu.org/software/stow/). Most of my walls are sourced from [Unsplash](https://unsplash.com), and the colorscheme is all done by hand. ## scrot ### i3 ![i3](https://track6.mixtape.moe/rvdyro.png) ### xfwm ![xfwm](https://0x0.st/sXau.png) ## info - wm: `i3` (with gaps) and `xfwm` - status bar: `polybar` - text editor: `vim` - terminal: `urxvt` - shell: `zsh` - launcher: `rofi` - notification daemon: `dunst` - compositor: `compton` - music: `spotify` ## installation install `stow` using your package manager clone this repo `git clone https://github.com/icyphox/dotfiles icydots` switch to the cloned directory `cd icydots` use `stow -D ` to _unstow_ the dotfiles into your `home` directory.