{ pkgs, ... }: let name = "pw"; gpg = "${pkgs.gnupg}/bin/gpg"; pwgen = "${pkgs.pwgen}/bin/pwgen"; git = "${pkgs.git}/bin/git"; copy = "${pkgs.wl-clipboard}/bin/wl-copy"; in pkgs.writeShellScriptBin name '' # pw - a mnml password manager [[ -z "$PW_DIR" ]] && PW_DIR="$HOME/.pw" init() { if [[ ! -e "$PW_DIR" ]]; then mkdir -p "$PW_DIR" printf "pw: password directory initialized at %s\n" "$PW_DIR" else printf "PW_DIR is %s\n" "$PW_DIR" die "$PW_DIR exists" fi } add() { # $1: path to file # $2 [optional]: password text [[ -z "$PW_KEY" ]] && die "\$PW_KEY not set" if [[ "$#" -eq 2 ]]; then pass="$2" else # uses default length of 25 chars, unless PW_LEN is set pass="$(${pwgen} "''${PW_LEN:-25}" 1 -s)" printf "pw: generated password for %s\n" "$1" fi if [[ ! -f "$PW_DIR/$1.gpg" ]]; then printf "%s" "$pass" | ${gpg} -aer "$PW_KEY" -o "$PW_DIR/$1.gpg" printf "pw: %s/%s.gpg created\n" "$PW_DIR" "$1" else die "the file $PW_DIR/$1.gpg exists" fi ( cd $PW_DIR ${git} add . ${git} commit -m "$(date)" remote="$(${git} remote show)" branch="$(${git} branch --show-current)" ${git} pull -r "$remote" "$branch" ${git} push "$remote" "$branch" ) } list() { (cd "$PW_DIR"; find *.gpg | awk -F '.gpg' '{ print $1 }' ) } del() { checkf "$PW_DIR/$1.gpg" read -rn 1 -p "pw: are you sure you want to delete $1? [y/n]: " printf "\n" [[ "$REPLY" == [yY] ]] && { rm -f "$PW_DIR/$1.gpg" printf "pw: deleted %s" "$1" } } show() { checkf "$PW_DIR/$1.gpg" ${gpg} --decrypt --quiet --use-agent "$PW_DIR/$1.gpg" } # TODO: rework having to checkf twice copy() { checkf "$PW_DIR/$1.gpg" if [[ "$OSTYPE" =~ darwin* ]]; then show "$1" | head -1 | pbcopy | tr -d '\n' else show "$1" | head -1 | ${copy} -n fi printf "pw: copied %s to clipboard\n" "$1" } usage() { usage=" pw - mnml password manager usage: pw [options] [NAME] All options except -i and -h require a NAME argument. options: -i Initializes password directory at \$HOME/.pw or at \$PW_DIR, if it exists. -a Add a password. -g Generate a password. -s Print password to STDOUT. -l List out all passwords. -c Copy existing password to clipboard. -d Delete password. -h Display this help message and exit. Requires PW_KEY to be set. Optionally, set PW_DIR for custom directory location. Set PW_LEN to an integer of your choice, to override the default password length of 25. " printf "%s" "$usage" exit 1 } checkf() { [[ ! -f "$1" ]] && die "$1 does not exist" } die() { printf "error: %s\n" "$1" >&2 exit 1 } main() { [[ -z "$1" ]] && { usage } while getopts "ila:g:s:c:d:h" options do # shellcheck disable=SC2221,SC2222 case "$options" in i) init ;; l) list ;; g) add "$OPTARG" ;; a) read -rsp "enter password: " pass printf "\n" add "$OPTARG" "$pass" ;; s) show "$OPTARG" ;; c) copy "$OPTARG" ;; d) del "$OPTARG" ;; *|h) usage ;; esac done shift $(( OPTIND -1 )) } main "$@" ''