# # Copyright (C) 2008-2017 Sebastien Helleu <flashcode@flashtux.org> # Copyright (C) 2010-2017 Nils Görs <weechatter@arcor.de> # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. # # Set WeeChat and plugins options interactively. # # History: # # 2017-04-14, nils_2 <freenode.#weechat> # version 4.3: add option "use_color" (https://github.com/weechat/scripts/issues/93) # 2016-07-08, nils_2 <weechatter@arcor.de> # version 4.2: add diff function # 2016-02-06, Sebastien Helleu <flashcode@flashtux.org>: # version 4.1: remove debug print # 2015-12-24, Sebastien Helleu <flashcode@flashtux.org>: # version 4.0: add support of parent options (inherited values in irc servers) # with WeeChat >= 1.4 # 2015-05-16, Sebastien Helleu <flashcode@flashtux.org>: # version 3.9: fix cursor position when editing an option with WeeChat >= 1.2 # 2015-05-02, arza <arza@arza.us>: # version 3.8: don't append "null" to /set when setting an undefined setting # 2015-05-01, nils_2 <weechatter@arcor.de>: # version 3.7: fix two perl warnings (reported by t3chguy) # 2014-09-30, arza <arza@arza.us>: # version 3.6: fix current line counter when options aren't found # 2014-06-03, nils_2 <weechatter@arcor.de>: # version 3.5: add new option "use_mute" # 2014-01-30, stfn <stfnmd@gmail.com>: # version 3.4: add new options "color_value_diff" and "color_value_diff_selected" # 2014-01-16, luz <ne.tetewi@gmail.com>: # version 3.3: fix bug with column alignment in iset buffer when option # name contains unicode characters # 2013-08-03, Sebastien Helleu <flashcode@flashtux.org>: # version 3.2: allow "q" as input in iset buffer to close it # 2013-07-14, Sebastien Helleu <flashcode@flashtux.org>: # version 3.1: remove unneeded calls to iset_refresh() in mouse callback # (faster mouse actions when lot of options are displayed), # fix bug when clicking on a line after the last option displayed # 2013-04-30, arza <arza@arza.us>: # version 3.0: simpler title, fix refresh on unset # 2012-12-16, nils_2 <weechatter@arcor.de>: # version 2.9: fix focus window with iset buffer on mouse click # 2012-08-25, nils_2 <weechatter@arcor.de>: # version 2.8: most important key and mouse bindings for iset buffer added to title-bar (idea The-Compiler) # 2012-07-31, nils_2 <weechatter@arcor.de>: # version 2.7: add combined option and value search (see /help iset) # : add exact value search (see /help iset) # : fix problem with metacharacter in value search # : fix use of uninitialized value for unset option and reset value of option # 2012-07-25, nils_2 <weechatter@arcor.de>: # version 2.6: switch to iset buffer (if existing) when command /iset is called with arguments # 2012-03-17, Sebastien Helleu <flashcode@flashtux.org>: # version 2.5: fix check of sections when creating config file # 2012-03-09, Sebastien Helleu <flashcode@flashtux.org>: # version 2.4: fix reload of config file # 2012-02-02, nils_2 <weechatter@arcor.de>: # version 2.3: fixed: refresh problem with new search results and cursor was outside window. # : add: new option "current_line" in title bar # version 2.2: fixed: refresh error when toggling plugins description # 2011-11-05, nils_2 <weechatter@arcor.de>: # version 2.1: use own config file (iset.conf), fix own help color (used immediately) # 2011-10-16, nils_2 <weechatter@arcor.de>: # version 2.0: add support for left-mouse-button and more sensitive mouse gesture (for integer/color options) # add help text for mouse support # 2011-09-20, Sebastien Helleu <flashcode@flashtux.org>: # version 1.9: add mouse support, fix iset buffer, fix errors on first load under FreeBSD # 2011-07-21, nils_2 <weechatter@arcor.de>: # version 1.8: added: option "show_plugin_description" (alt+p) # fixed: typos in /help iset (lower case for alt+'x' keys) # 2011-05-29, nils_2 <weechatter@arcor.de>: # version 1.7: added: version check for future needs # added: new option (scroll_horiz) and usage of scroll_horiz function (weechat >= 0.3.6 required) # fixed: help_bar did not pop up immediately using key-shortcut # 2011-02-19, nils_2 <weechatter@arcor.de>: # version 1.6: added: display of all possible values in help bar (show_help_extra_info) # fixed: external user options never loaded when starting iset first time # 2011-02-13, Sebastien Helleu <flashcode@flashtux.org>: # version 1.5: use new help format for command arguments # 2011-02-03, nils_2 <weechatter@arcor.de>: # version 1.4: fixed: restore value filter after /upgrade using buffer local variable. # 2011-01-14, nils_2 <weechatter@arcor.de>: # version 1.3: added function to search for values (option value_search_char). # code optimization. # 2010-12-26, Sebastien Helleu <flashcode@flashtux.org>: # version 1.2: improve speed of /upgrade when iset buffer is open, # restore filter used after /upgrade using buffer local variable, # use /iset filter argument if buffer is open. # 2010-11-21, drubin <drubin+weechat@smartcube.co.za>: # version 1.1.1: fix bugs with cursor position # 2010-11-20, nils_2 <weechatter@arcor.de>: # version 1.1: cursor position set to value # 2010-08-03, Sebastien Helleu <flashcode@flashtux.org>: # version 1.0: move misplaced call to infolist_free() # 2010-02-02, rettub <rettub@gmx.net>: # version 0.9: turn all the help stuff off if option 'show_help_bar' is 'off', # new key binding <alt>-<v> to toggle help_bar and help stuff on/off # 2010-01-30, nils_2 <weechatter@arcor.de>: # version 0.8: fix error when option does not exist # 2010-01-24, Sebastien Helleu <flashcode@flashtux.org>: # version 0.7: display iset bar only on iset buffer # 2010-01-22, nils_2 <weechatter@arcor.de> and drubin: # version 0.6: add description in a bar, fix singular/plural bug in title bar, # fix selected line when switching buffer # 2009-06-21, Sebastien Helleu <flashcode@flashtux.org>: # version 0.5: fix bug with iset buffer after /upgrade # 2009-05-02, Sebastien Helleu <flashcode@flashtux.org>: # version 0.4: sync with last API changes # 2009-01-04, Sebastien Helleu <flashcode@flashtux.org>: # version 0.3: open iset buffer when /iset command is executed # 2009-01-04, Sebastien Helleu <flashcode@flashtux.org>: # version 0.2: use null values for options, add colors, fix refresh bugs, # use new keys to reset/unset options, sort options by name, # display number of options in buffer's title # 2008-11-05, Sebastien Helleu <flashcode@flashtux.org>: # version 0.1: first official version # 2008-04-19, Sebastien Helleu <flashcode@flashtux.org>: # script creation use strict; my $PRGNAME = "iset"; my $VERSION = "4.3"; my $DESCR = "Interactive Set for configuration options"; my $AUTHOR = "Sebastien Helleu <flashcode\@flashtux.org>"; my $LICENSE = "GPL3"; my $LANG = "perl"; my $ISET_CONFIG_FILE_NAME = "iset"; my $iset_config_file; my $iset_buffer = ""; my $wee_version_number = 0; my @iset_focus = (); my @options_names = (); my @options_parent_names = (); my @options_types = (); my @options_values = (); my @options_default_values = (); my @options_parent_values = (); my @options_is_null = (); my $option_max_length = 0; my $current_line = 0; my $filter = "*"; my $description = ""; my $options_name_copy = ""; my $iset_filter_title = ""; # search modes: 0 = index() on value, 1 = grep() on value, 2 = grep() on option, 3 = grep on option & value, 4 = diff all, 5 = diff parts my $search_mode = 2; my $search_value = ""; my $help_text_keys = "alt + space: toggle, +/-: increase/decrease, enter: change, ir: reset, iu: unset, v: toggle help bar"; my $help_text_mouse = "Mouse: left: select, right: toggle/set, right + drag left/right: increase/decrease"; my %options_iset; my %mouse_keys = ("\@chat(perl.$PRGNAME):button1" => "hsignal:iset_mouse", "\@chat(perl.$PRGNAME):button2*" => "hsignal:iset_mouse", "\@chat(perl.$PRGNAME):wheelup" => "/repeat 5 /iset **up", "\@chat(perl.$PRGNAME):wheeldown" => "/repeat 5 /iset **down"); sub iset_title { if ($iset_buffer ne "") { my $current_line_counter = ""; if (weechat::config_boolean($options_iset{"show_current_line"}) == 1) { if (@options_names eq 0) { $current_line_counter = "0/"; } else { $current_line_counter = ($current_line + 1) . "/"; } } my $show_filter = ""; if ($search_mode eq 0) { $iset_filter_title = "(value) "; $show_filter = $search_value; if ( substr($show_filter,0,1) eq weechat::config_string($options_iset{"value_search_char"}) ) { $show_filter = substr($show_filter,1,length($show_filter)); } } elsif ($search_mode eq 1) { $iset_filter_title = "(value) "; $show_filter = "*".$search_value."*"; } elsif ($search_mode eq 2) { $iset_filter_title = ""; $filter = "*" if ($filter eq ""); $show_filter = $filter; } elsif ($search_mode == 4 or $search_mode == 5) { $iset_filter_title = "diff: "; $show_filter = "all"; $show_filter = $search_value if $search_mode == 5; } elsif ($search_mode eq 3) { $iset_filter_title = "(option) "; $show_filter = $filter .weechat::color("default") ." / (value) " .weechat::color("yellow") ."*".$search_value."*"; } weechat::buffer_set($iset_buffer, "title", $iset_filter_title .weechat::color("yellow") .$show_filter .weechat::color("default")." | " .$current_line_counter .@options_names ." | " .$help_text_keys ." | " .$help_text_mouse); } } sub iset_create_filter { $filter = $_[0]; if ( $search_mode == 3 ) { my @cmd_array = split(/ /,$filter); my $array_count = @cmd_array; $filter = $cmd_array[0]; $filter = $cmd_array[0] . " " . $cmd_array[1] if ( $array_count >2 ); } $filter = "$1.*" if ($filter =~ /f (.*)/); # search file $filter = "*.$1.*" if ($filter =~ /s (.*)/); # search section if ((substr($filter, 0, 1) ne "*") && (substr($filter, -1, 1) ne "*")) { $filter = "*".$filter."*"; } if ($iset_buffer ne "") { weechat::buffer_set($iset_buffer, "localvar_set_iset_filter", $filter); } } sub iset_buffer_input { my ($data, $buffer, $string) = ($_[0], $_[1], $_[2]); # string begins with space? return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK if (substr($string, 0, 1 ) eq " "); if ($string eq "q") { weechat::buffer_close($buffer); return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } $search_value = ""; my @cmd_array = split(/ /,$string); my $array_count = @cmd_array; my $string2 = substr($string, 0, 1); if ($string2 eq weechat::config_string($options_iset{"value_search_char"}) or (defined $cmd_array[0] and $cmd_array[0] eq weechat::config_string($options_iset{"value_search_char"}).weechat::config_string($options_iset{"value_search_char"})) ) { $search_mode = 1; $search_value = substr($string, 1); iset_get_values($search_value); if ($iset_buffer ne "") { weechat::buffer_set($iset_buffer, "localvar_set_iset_search_value", $search_value); } } # show all diff values elsif ($string eq "d") { $search_mode = 4; # iset_title(); iset_create_filter("*"); iset_get_options("*"); } elsif ( $array_count >= 2 and $cmd_array[0] eq "d") { $search_mode = 5; $search_value = substr($cmd_array[1], 0); # cut value_search_char $search_value = substr($cmd_array[2], 0) if ( $array_count > 2); # cut value_search_char iset_create_filter($search_value); iset_get_options($search_value); } else { $search_mode = 2; if ( $array_count >= 2 and $cmd_array[0] ne "f" or $cmd_array[0] ne "s" ) { if ( defined $cmd_array[1] and substr($cmd_array[1], 0, 1) eq weechat::config_string($options_iset{"value_search_char"}) or defined $cmd_array[2] and substr($cmd_array[2], 0, 1) eq weechat::config_string($options_iset{"value_search_char"}) ) { $search_mode = 3; $search_value = substr($cmd_array[1], 1); # cut value_search_char $search_value = substr($cmd_array[2], 1) if ( $array_count > 2); # cut value_search_char } } if ( $search_mode == 3) { iset_create_filter($string); iset_get_options($search_value); } else { iset_create_filter($string); iset_get_options(""); } } weechat::buffer_set($iset_buffer, "localvar_set_iset_search_mode", $search_mode); weechat::buffer_clear($buffer); $current_line = 0; iset_refresh(); return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } sub iset_buffer_close { $iset_buffer = ""; return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } sub iset_init { $current_line = 0; $iset_buffer = weechat::buffer_search($LANG, $PRGNAME); if ($iset_buffer eq "") { $iset_buffer = weechat::buffer_new($PRGNAME, "iset_buffer_input", "", "iset_buffer_close", ""); } else { my $new_filter = weechat::buffer_get_string($iset_buffer, "localvar_iset_filter"); $search_mode = weechat::buffer_get_string($iset_buffer, "localvar_iset_search_mode"); $search_value = weechat::buffer_get_string($iset_buffer, "localvar_iset_search_value"); $filter = $new_filter if ($new_filter ne ""); } if ($iset_buffer ne "") { weechat::buffer_set($iset_buffer, "type", "free"); iset_title(); weechat::buffer_set($iset_buffer, "key_bind_ctrl-L", "/iset **refresh"); weechat::buffer_set($iset_buffer, "key_bind_meta2-A", "/iset **up"); weechat::buffer_set($iset_buffer, "key_bind_meta2-B", "/iset **down"); weechat::buffer_set($iset_buffer, "key_bind_meta2-23~", "/iset **left"); weechat::buffer_set($iset_buffer, "key_bind_meta2-24~" , "/iset **right"); weechat::buffer_set($iset_buffer, "key_bind_meta- ", "/iset **toggle"); weechat::buffer_set($iset_buffer, "key_bind_meta-+", "/iset **incr"); weechat::buffer_set($iset_buffer, "key_bind_meta--", "/iset **decr"); weechat::buffer_set($iset_buffer, "key_bind_meta-imeta-r", "/iset **reset"); weechat::buffer_set($iset_buffer, "key_bind_meta-imeta-u", "/iset **unset"); weechat::buffer_set($iset_buffer, "key_bind_meta-ctrl-J", "/iset **set"); weechat::buffer_set($iset_buffer, "key_bind_meta-ctrl-M", "/iset **set"); weechat::buffer_set($iset_buffer, "key_bind_meta-meta2-1~", "/iset **scroll_top"); weechat::buffer_set($iset_buffer, "key_bind_meta-meta2-4~", "/iset **scroll_bottom"); weechat::buffer_set($iset_buffer, "key_bind_meta-v", "/iset **toggle_help"); weechat::buffer_set($iset_buffer, "key_bind_meta-p", "/iset **toggle_show_plugin_desc"); weechat::buffer_set($iset_buffer, "localvar_set_iset_filter", $filter); weechat::buffer_set($iset_buffer, "localvar_set_iset_search_mode", $search_mode); weechat::buffer_set($iset_buffer, "localvar_set_iset_search_value", $search_value); } } sub iset_get_options { my $var_value = $_[0]; $var_value = "" if (not defined $var_value); $var_value = lc($var_value); $search_value = $var_value; @iset_focus = (); @options_names = (); @options_parent_names = (); @options_types = (); @options_values = (); @options_default_values = (); @options_parent_values = (); @options_is_null = (); $option_max_length = 0; my %options_internal = (); my $i = 0; my $key; my $iset_struct; my %iset_struct; weechat::buffer_set($iset_buffer, "localvar_set_iset_search_value", $var_value) if ($search_mode == 3); my $infolist = weechat::infolist_get("option", "", $filter); while (weechat::infolist_next($infolist)) { $key = sprintf("%08d", $i); my $name = weechat::infolist_string($infolist, "full_name"); my $parent_name = weechat::infolist_string($infolist, "parent_name"); next if (weechat::config_boolean($options_iset{"show_plugin_description"}) == 0 and index ($name, "plugins.desc.") != -1); my $type = weechat::infolist_string($infolist, "type"); my $value = weechat::infolist_string($infolist, "value"); my $default_value = weechat::infolist_string($infolist, "default_value"); my $parent_value; if ($parent_name && (($wee_version_number < 0x00040300) || (weechat::infolist_search_var($infolist, "parent_value")))) { $parent_value = weechat::infolist_string($infolist, "parent_value"); } my $is_null = weechat::infolist_integer($infolist, "value_is_null"); if ($search_mode == 3) { my $value = weechat::infolist_string($infolist, "value"); if ( grep /\Q$var_value/,lc($value) ) { $options_internal{$name}{"parent_name"} = $parent_name; $options_internal{$name}{"type"} = $type; $options_internal{$name}{"value"} = $value; $options_internal{$name}{"default_value"} = $default_value; $options_internal{$name}{"parent_value"} = $parent_value; $options_internal{$name}{"is_null"} = $is_null; $option_max_length = length($name) if (length($name) > $option_max_length); $iset_struct{$key} = $options_internal{$name}; push(@iset_focus, $iset_struct{$key}); } } # search for diff? elsif ( $search_mode == 4 or $search_mode == 5) { if ($value ne $default_value ) { $options_internal{$name}{"parent_name"} = $parent_name; $options_internal{$name}{"type"} = $type; $options_internal{$name}{"value"} = $value; $options_internal{$name}{"default_value"} = $default_value; $options_internal{$name}{"parent_value"} = $parent_value; $options_internal{$name}{"is_null"} = $is_null; $option_max_length = length($name) if (length($name) > $option_max_length); $iset_struct{$key} = $options_internal{$name}; push(@iset_focus, $iset_struct{$key}); } } else { $options_internal{$name}{"parent_name"} = $parent_name; $options_internal{$name}{"type"} = $type; $options_internal{$name}{"value"} = $value; $options_internal{$name}{"default_value"} = $default_value; $options_internal{$name}{"parent_value"} = $parent_value; $options_internal{$name}{"is_null"} = $is_null; $option_max_length = length($name) if (length($name) > $option_max_length); $iset_struct{$key} = $options_internal{$name}; push(@iset_focus, $iset_struct{$key}); } $i++; } weechat::infolist_free($infolist); foreach my $name (sort keys %options_internal) { push(@options_names, $name); push(@options_parent_names, $options_internal{$name}{"parent_name"}); push(@options_types, $options_internal{$name}{"type"}); push(@options_values, $options_internal{$name}{"value"}); push(@options_default_values, $options_internal{$name}{"default_value"}); push(@options_parent_values, $options_internal{$name}{"parent_value"}); push(@options_is_null, $options_internal{$name}{"is_null"}); } } sub iset_get_values { my $var_value = $_[0]; $var_value = lc($var_value); if (substr($var_value,0,1) eq weechat::config_string($options_iset{"value_search_char"}) and $var_value ne weechat::config_string($options_iset{"value_search_char"})) { $var_value = substr($var_value,1,length($var_value)); $search_mode = 0; } iset_search_values($var_value,$search_mode); weechat::buffer_set($iset_buffer, "localvar_set_iset_search_mode", $search_mode); weechat::buffer_set($iset_buffer, "localvar_set_iset_search_value", $var_value); $search_value = $var_value; } sub iset_search_values { my ($var_value,$search_mode) = ($_[0],$_[1]); @options_names = (); @options_parent_names = (); @options_types = (); @options_values = (); @options_default_values = (); @options_parent_values = (); @options_is_null = (); $option_max_length = 0; my %options_internal = (); my $i = 0; my $infolist = weechat::infolist_get("option", "", "*"); while (weechat::infolist_next($infolist)) { my $name = weechat::infolist_string($infolist, "full_name"); my $parent_name = weechat::infolist_string($infolist, "parent_name"); next if (weechat::config_boolean($options_iset{"show_plugin_description"}) == 0 and index ($name, "plugins.desc.") != -1); my $type = weechat::infolist_string($infolist, "type"); my $is_null = weechat::infolist_integer($infolist, "value_is_null"); my $value = weechat::infolist_string($infolist, "value"); my $default_value = weechat::infolist_string($infolist, "default_value"); my $parent_value; if ($parent_name && (($wee_version_number < 0x00040300) || (weechat::infolist_search_var($infolist, "parent_value")))) { $parent_value = weechat::infolist_string($infolist, "parent_value"); } if ($search_mode) { if ( grep /\Q$var_value/,lc($value) ) { $options_internal{$name}{"parent_name"} = $parent_name; $options_internal{$name}{"type"} = $type; $options_internal{$name}{"value"} = $value; $options_internal{$name}{"default_value"} = $default_value; $options_internal{$name}{"parent_value"} = $parent_value; $options_internal{$name}{"is_null"} = $is_null; $option_max_length = length($name) if (length($name) > $option_max_length); } } else { # if ($value =~ /\Q$var_value/si) if (lc($value) eq $var_value) { $options_internal{$name}{"parent_name"} = $parent_name; $options_internal{$name}{"type"} = $type; $options_internal{$name}{"value"} = $value; $options_internal{$name}{"default_value"} = $default_value; $options_internal{$name}{"parent_value"} = $parent_value; $options_internal{$name}{"is_null"} = $is_null; $option_max_length = length($name) if (length($name) > $option_max_length); } } $i++; } weechat::infolist_free($infolist); foreach my $name (sort keys %options_internal) { push(@options_names, $name); push(@options_parent_names, $options_internal{$name}{"parent_name"}); push(@options_types, $options_internal{$name}{"type"}); push(@options_values, $options_internal{$name}{"value"}); push(@options_default_values, $options_internal{$name}{"default_value"}); push(@options_parent_values, $options_internal{$name}{"parent_value"}); push(@options_is_null, $options_internal{$name}{"is_null"}); } } sub iset_refresh_line { if ($iset_buffer ne "") { my $y = $_[0]; if ($y <= $#options_names) { return if (! defined($options_types[$y])); my $format = sprintf("%%s%%s%%s %%s %%-7s %%s %%s%%s%%s"); my $padding; if ($wee_version_number >= 0x00040200) { $padding = " " x ($option_max_length - weechat::strlen_screen($options_names[$y])); } else { $padding = " " x ($option_max_length - length($options_names[$y])); } my $around = ""; $around = "\"" if ((!$options_is_null[$y]) && ($options_types[$y] eq "string")); my $color1 = weechat::color(weechat::config_color($options_iset{"color_option"})); my $color2 = weechat::color(weechat::config_color($options_iset{"color_type"})); my $color3 = ""; my $color4 = ""; if ($options_is_null[$y]) { $color3 = weechat::color(weechat::config_color($options_iset{"color_value_undef"})); $color4 = weechat::color(weechat::config_color($options_iset{"color_value"})); } elsif ($options_values[$y] ne $options_default_values[$y]) { $color3 = weechat::color(weechat::config_color($options_iset{"color_value_diff"})); } else { $color3 = weechat::color(weechat::config_color($options_iset{"color_value"})); } if ($y == $current_line) { $color1 = weechat::color(weechat::config_color($options_iset{"color_option_selected"}).",".weechat::config_color($options_iset{"color_bg_selected"})); $color2 = weechat::color(weechat::config_color($options_iset{"color_type_selected"}).",".weechat::config_color($options_iset{"color_bg_selected"})); if ($options_is_null[$y]) { $color3 = weechat::color(weechat::config_color($options_iset{"color_value_undef_selected"}).",".weechat::config_color($options_iset{"color_bg_selected"})); $color4 = weechat::color(weechat::config_color($options_iset{"color_value_selected"}).",".weechat::config_color($options_iset{"color_bg_selected"})); } elsif ($options_values[$y] ne $options_default_values[$y]) { $color3 = weechat::color(weechat::config_color($options_iset{"color_value_diff_selected"}).",".weechat::config_color($options_iset{"color_bg_selected"})); } else { $color3 = weechat::color(weechat::config_color($options_iset{"color_value_selected"}).",".weechat::config_color($options_iset{"color_bg_selected"})); } } my $value = $options_values[$y]; if (weechat::config_boolean($options_iset{"use_color"}) == 1 and $options_types[$y] eq "color") { $value = weechat::color($options_values[$y]) . $options_values[$y]; } if ($options_is_null[$y]) { $value = "null"; if ($options_parent_names[$y]) { if (defined $options_parent_values[$y]) { my $around_parent = ""; $around_parent = "\"" if ($options_types[$y] eq "string"); $value .= $color1." -> ".$color4.$around_parent.$options_parent_values[$y].$around_parent; } else { $value .= $color1." -> ".$color3."null"; } } } my $strline = sprintf($format, $color1, $options_names[$y], $padding, $color2, $options_types[$y], $color3, $around, $value, $around); weechat::print_y($iset_buffer, $y, $strline); } } } sub iset_refresh { iset_title(); if (($iset_buffer ne "") && ($#options_names >= 0)) { foreach my $y (0 .. $#options_names) { iset_refresh_line($y); } } weechat::bar_item_update("isetbar_help") if (weechat::config_boolean($options_iset{"show_help_bar"}) == 1); } sub iset_full_refresh { $iset_buffer = weechat::buffer_search($LANG, $PRGNAME); if ($iset_buffer ne "") { weechat::buffer_clear($iset_buffer) unless defined $_[0]; # iset_full_refresh(1) does a full refresh without clearing buffer # search for "*" in $filter. if ($filter =~ m/\*/ and $search_mode == 2) { iset_get_options(""); } else { if ($search_mode == 0) { $search_value = "=" . $search_value; iset_get_values($search_value); } elsif ($search_mode == 1) { iset_get_values($search_value); } elsif ($search_mode == 3) { iset_create_filter($filter); iset_get_options($search_value); } } if (weechat::config_boolean($options_iset{"show_plugin_description"}) == 1) { iset_set_current_line($current_line); }else { $current_line = $#options_names if ($current_line > $#options_names); } iset_refresh(); weechat::command($iset_buffer, "/window refresh"); } } sub iset_set_current_line { my $new_current_line = $_[0]; if ($new_current_line >= 0) { my $old_current_line = $current_line; $current_line = $new_current_line; $current_line = $#options_names if ($current_line > $#options_names); if ($old_current_line != $current_line) { iset_refresh_line($old_current_line); iset_refresh_line($current_line); weechat::bar_item_update("isetbar_help") if (weechat::config_boolean($options_iset{"show_help_bar"}) == 1); } } } sub iset_signal_window_scrolled_cb { my ($data, $signal, $signal_data) = ($_[0], $_[1], $_[2]); if ($iset_buffer ne "") { my $infolist = weechat::infolist_get("window", $signal_data, ""); if (weechat::infolist_next($infolist)) { if (weechat::infolist_pointer($infolist, "buffer") eq $iset_buffer) { my $old_current_line = $current_line; my $new_current_line = $current_line; my $start_line_y = weechat::infolist_integer($infolist, "start_line_y"); my $chat_height = weechat::infolist_integer($infolist, "chat_height"); $new_current_line += $chat_height if ($new_current_line < $start_line_y); $new_current_line -= $chat_height if ($new_current_line >= $start_line_y + $chat_height); $new_current_line = $start_line_y if ($new_current_line < $start_line_y); $new_current_line = $start_line_y + $chat_height - 1 if ($new_current_line >= $start_line_y + $chat_height); iset_set_current_line($new_current_line); } } weechat::infolist_free($infolist); } return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } sub iset_get_window_number { if ($iset_buffer ne "") { my $window = weechat::window_search_with_buffer($iset_buffer); return "-window ".weechat::window_get_integer ($window, "number")." " if ($window ne ""); } return ""; } sub iset_check_line_outside_window { if ($iset_buffer ne "") { undef my $infolist; if ($wee_version_number >= 0x00030500) { my $window = weechat::window_search_with_buffer($iset_buffer); $infolist = weechat::infolist_get("window", $window, "") if $window; } else { $infolist = weechat::infolist_get("window", "", "current"); } if ($infolist) { if (weechat::infolist_next($infolist)) { my $start_line_y = weechat::infolist_integer($infolist, "start_line_y"); my $chat_height = weechat::infolist_integer($infolist, "chat_height"); my $window_number = ""; if ($wee_version_number >= 0x00030500) { $window_number = "-window ".weechat::infolist_integer($infolist, "number")." "; } if ($start_line_y > $current_line) { weechat::command($iset_buffer, "/window scroll ".$window_number."-".($start_line_y - $current_line)); } else { if ($start_line_y <= $current_line - $chat_height) { weechat::command($iset_buffer, "/window scroll ".$window_number."+".($current_line - $start_line_y - $chat_height + 1)); } } } weechat::infolist_free($infolist); } } } sub iset_get_option_name_index { my $option_name = $_[0]; my $index = 0; while ($index <= $#options_names) { return -1 if ($options_names[$index] gt $option_name); return $index if ($options_names[$index] eq $option_name); $index++; } return -1; } sub iset_refresh_option { my $option_name = $_[0]; my $index = $_[1]; my $infolist = weechat::infolist_get("option", "", $option_name); if ($infolist) { weechat::infolist_next($infolist); if (weechat::infolist_fields($infolist)) { $options_parent_names[$index] = weechat::infolist_string($infolist, "parent_name"); $options_types[$index] = weechat::infolist_string($infolist, "type"); $options_values[$index] = weechat::infolist_string($infolist, "value"); $options_default_values[$index] = weechat::infolist_string($infolist, "default_value"); $options_is_null[$index] = weechat::infolist_integer($infolist, "value_is_null"); $options_parent_values[$index] = undef; if ($options_parent_names[$index] && (($wee_version_number < 0x00040300) || (weechat::infolist_search_var($infolist, "parent_value")))) { $options_parent_values[$index] = weechat::infolist_string($infolist, "parent_value"); } iset_refresh_line($index); iset_title() if ($option_name eq "iset.look.show_current_line"); } else { iset_full_refresh(1); # if not found, refresh fully without clearing buffer weechat::print_y($iset_buffer, $#options_names + 1, ""); } weechat::infolist_free($infolist); } } sub iset_config_cb { my ($data, $option_name, $value) = ($_[0], $_[1], $_[2]); if ($iset_buffer ne "") { return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK if (weechat::info_get("weechat_upgrading", "") eq "1"); my $index = iset_get_option_name_index($option_name); if ($index >= 0) { # refresh info about changed option iset_refresh_option($option_name, $index); # refresh any other option having this changed option as parent foreach my $i (0 .. $#options_names) { if ($options_parent_names[$i] eq $option_name) { iset_refresh_option($options_names[$i], $i); } } } else { iset_full_refresh() if ($option_name ne "weechat.bar.isetbar.hidden"); } } return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } sub iset_set_option { my ($option, $value) = ($_[0],$_[1]); if (defined $option and defined $value) { $option = weechat::config_get($option); weechat::config_option_set($option, $value, 1) if ($option ne ""); } } sub iset_reset_option { my $option = $_[0]; if (defined $option) { $option = weechat::config_get($option); weechat::config_option_reset($option, 1) if ($option ne ""); } } sub iset_unset_option { my $option = $_[0]; if (defined $option) { $option = weechat::config_get($option); weechat::config_option_unset($option) if ($option ne ""); } } sub iset_cmd_cb { my ($data, $buffer, $args) = ($_[0], $_[1], $_[2]); my $filter_set = 0; # $search_value = ""; if (($args ne "") && (substr($args, 0, 2) ne "**")) { my @cmd_array = split(/ /,$args); my $array_count = @cmd_array; if (substr($args, 0, 1) eq weechat::config_string($options_iset{"value_search_char"}) or (defined $cmd_array[0] and $cmd_array[0] eq weechat::config_string($options_iset{"value_search_char"}).weechat::config_string($options_iset{"value_search_char"})) ) { $search_mode = 1; my $search_value = substr($args, 1); # cut value_search_char if ($iset_buffer ne "") { weechat::buffer_clear($iset_buffer); weechat::command($iset_buffer, "/window refresh"); } weechat::buffer_set($iset_buffer, "localvar_set_iset_search_mode", $search_mode); weechat::buffer_set($iset_buffer, "localvar_set_iset_search_value", $search_value); iset_init(); iset_get_values($search_value); iset_refresh(); weechat::buffer_set($iset_buffer, "display", "1"); # $filter = $var_value; return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } else { # f/s option =value # option =value $search_mode = 2; # grep on option if ( $array_count >= 2 and $cmd_array[0] ne "f" or $cmd_array[0] ne "s") { if ( defined $cmd_array[1] and substr($cmd_array[1], 0, 1) eq weechat::config_string($options_iset{"value_search_char"}) or defined $cmd_array[2] and substr($cmd_array[2], 0, 1) eq weechat::config_string($options_iset{"value_search_char"}) ) { $search_mode = 3; # grep on option and value $search_value = substr($cmd_array[1], 1); # cut value_search_char $search_value = substr($cmd_array[2], 1) if ( $array_count > 2); # cut value_search_char } } # show all diff values if ( $args eq "d") { $search_mode = 4; $search_value = "*"; $args = $search_value; } if ( $array_count >= 2 and $cmd_array[0] eq "d") { $search_mode = 5; $search_value = substr($cmd_array[1], 0); # cut value_search_char $search_value = substr($cmd_array[2], 0) if ( $array_count > 2); # cut value_search_char $args = $search_value; } iset_create_filter($args); $filter_set = 1; my $ptrbuf = weechat::buffer_search($LANG, $PRGNAME); if ($ptrbuf eq "") { iset_init(); iset_get_options($search_value); iset_full_refresh(); weechat::buffer_set(weechat::buffer_search($LANG, $PRGNAME), "display", "1"); weechat::buffer_set($iset_buffer, "localvar_set_iset_search_value", $search_value); weechat::buffer_set($iset_buffer, "localvar_set_iset_search_mode", $search_mode); return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } else { iset_get_options($search_value); iset_full_refresh(); weechat::buffer_set($ptrbuf, "display", "1"); } } weechat::buffer_set($iset_buffer, "localvar_set_iset_search_mode", $search_mode); weechat::buffer_set($iset_buffer, "localvar_set_iset_search_value", $search_value); } if ($iset_buffer eq "") { iset_init(); iset_get_options(""); iset_refresh(); } else { # iset_get_options($search_value); iset_full_refresh() if ($filter_set); } if ($args eq "") { weechat::buffer_set($iset_buffer, "display", "1"); } else { if ($args eq "**refresh") { iset_full_refresh(); } if ($args eq "**up") { if ($current_line > 0) { $current_line--; iset_refresh_line($current_line + 1); iset_refresh_line($current_line); iset_check_line_outside_window(); } } if ($args eq "**down") { if ($current_line < $#options_names) { $current_line++; iset_refresh_line($current_line - 1); iset_refresh_line($current_line); iset_check_line_outside_window(); } } if ($args eq "**left" && $wee_version_number >= 0x00030600) { weechat::command($iset_buffer, "/window scroll_horiz ".iset_get_window_number()."-".weechat::config_integer($options_iset{"scroll_horiz"})."%"); } if ($args eq "**right" && $wee_version_number >= 0x00030600) { weechat::command($iset_buffer, "/window scroll_horiz ".iset_get_window_number().weechat::config_integer($options_iset{"scroll_horiz"})."%"); } if ($args eq "**scroll_top") { my $old_current_line = $current_line; $current_line = 0; iset_refresh_line ($old_current_line); iset_refresh_line ($current_line); iset_title(); weechat::command($iset_buffer, "/window scroll_top ".iset_get_window_number()); } if ($args eq "**scroll_bottom") { my $old_current_line = $current_line; $current_line = $#options_names; iset_refresh_line ($old_current_line); iset_refresh_line ($current_line); iset_title(); weechat::command($iset_buffer, "/window scroll_bottom ".iset_get_window_number()); } if ($args eq "**toggle") { if ($options_types[$current_line] eq "boolean") { iset_set_option($options_names[$current_line], "toggle"); } } if ($args eq "**incr") { if (($options_types[$current_line] eq "integer") || ($options_types[$current_line] eq "color")) { iset_set_option($options_names[$current_line], "++1"); } } if ($args eq "**decr") { if (($options_types[$current_line] eq "integer") || ($options_types[$current_line] eq "color")) { iset_set_option($options_names[$current_line], "--1"); } } if ($args eq "**reset") { iset_reset_option($options_names[$current_line]); } if ($args eq "**unset") { iset_unset_option($options_names[$current_line]); } if ($args eq "**toggle_help") { if (weechat::config_boolean($options_iset{"show_help_bar"}) == 1) { weechat::config_option_set($options_iset{"show_help_bar"},0,1); iset_show_bar(0); } else { weechat::config_option_set($options_iset{"show_help_bar"},1,1); iset_show_bar(1); } } if ($args eq "**toggle_show_plugin_desc") { if (weechat::config_boolean($options_iset{"show_plugin_description"}) == 1) { weechat::config_option_set($options_iset{"show_plugin_description"},0,1); iset_full_refresh(); iset_check_line_outside_window(); iset_title(); } else { weechat::config_option_set($options_iset{"show_plugin_description"},1,1); iset_full_refresh(); iset_check_line_outside_window(); iset_title(); } } if ($args eq "**set") { my $quote = ""; my $value = $options_values[$current_line]; if ($options_is_null[$current_line]) { $value = ""; } else { $quote = "\"" if ($options_types[$current_line] eq "string"); } $value = " ".$quote.$value.$quote if ($value ne "" or $quote ne ""); my $set_command = "/set"; my $start_index = 5; if (weechat::config_boolean($options_iset{"use_mute"}) == 1) { $set_command = "/mute ".$set_command; $start_index += 11; } $set_command = $set_command." ".$options_names[$current_line].$value; my $pos_space = index($set_command, " ", $start_index); if ($pos_space < 0) { $pos_space = 9999; } else { $pos_space = $pos_space + 1; $pos_space = $pos_space + 1 if ($quote ne ""); } weechat::buffer_set($iset_buffer, "input", $set_command); weechat::buffer_set($iset_buffer, "input_pos", "".$pos_space); } } weechat::bar_item_update("isetbar_help") if (weechat::config_boolean($options_iset{"show_help_bar"}) == 1); return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } sub iset_get_help { my ($redraw) = ($_[0]); return '' if (weechat::config_boolean($options_iset{"show_help_bar"}) == 0); if (not defined $options_names[$current_line]) { return "No option selected. Set a new filter using command line (use '*' to see all options)"; } if ($options_name_copy eq $options_names[$current_line] and not defined $redraw) { return $description; } $options_name_copy = $options_names[$current_line]; my $optionlist =""; $optionlist = weechat::infolist_get("option", "", $options_names[$current_line]); weechat::infolist_next($optionlist); my $full_name = weechat::infolist_string($optionlist,"full_name"); my $option_desc = ""; my $option_default_value = ""; my $option_range = ""; my $possible_values = ""; my $re = qq(\Q$full_name); if (grep (/^$re$/,$options_names[$current_line])) { $option_desc = weechat::infolist_string($optionlist, "description_nls"); $option_desc = weechat::infolist_string($optionlist, "description") if ($option_desc eq ""); $option_desc = "No help found" if ($option_desc eq ""); $option_default_value = weechat::infolist_string($optionlist, "default_value"); $possible_values = weechat::infolist_string($optionlist, "string_values") if (weechat::infolist_string($optionlist, "string_values") ne ""); if ((weechat::infolist_string($optionlist, "type") eq "integer") && ($possible_values eq "")) { $option_range = weechat::infolist_integer($optionlist, "min") ." .. ".weechat::infolist_integer($optionlist, "max"); } } weechat::infolist_free($optionlist); iset_title(); $description = weechat::color(weechat::config_color($options_iset{"color_help_option_name"})).$options_names[$current_line] .weechat::color("bar_fg").": " .weechat::color(weechat::config_color($options_iset{"color_help_text"})).$option_desc; # show additional infos like default value and possible values if (weechat::config_boolean($options_iset{"show_help_extra_info"}) == 1) { $description .= weechat::color("bar_delim")." [" .weechat::color("bar_fg")."default: " .weechat::color("bar_delim")."\"" .weechat::color(weechat::config_color($options_iset{"color_help_default_value"})).$option_default_value .weechat::color("bar_delim")."\""; if ($option_range ne "") { $description .= weechat::color("bar_fg").", values: ".$option_range; } if ($possible_values ne "") { $possible_values =~ s/\|/", "/g; # replace '|' to '", "' $description .= weechat::color("bar_fg").", values: ". "\"" . $possible_values . "\""; } $description .= weechat::color("bar_delim")."]"; } return $description; } sub iset_check_condition_isetbar_cb { my ($data, $modifier, $modifier_data, $string) = ($_[0], $_[1], $_[2], $_[3]); my $buffer = weechat::window_get_pointer($modifier_data, "buffer"); if ($buffer ne "") { if ((weechat::buffer_get_string($buffer, "plugin") eq $LANG) && (weechat::buffer_get_string($buffer, "name") eq $PRGNAME)) { return "1"; } } return "0"; } sub iset_show_bar { my $show = $_[0]; my $barhidden = weechat::config_get("weechat.bar.isetbar.hidden"); if ($barhidden) { if ($show) { if (weechat::config_boolean($options_iset{"show_help_bar"}) == 1) { if (weechat::config_boolean($barhidden)) { weechat::config_option_set($barhidden, 0, 1); } } } else { if (!weechat::config_boolean($barhidden)) { weechat::config_option_set($barhidden, 1, 1); } } } } sub iset_signal_buffer_switch_cb { my $buffer_pointer = $_[2]; my $show_bar = 0; $show_bar = 1 if (weechat::buffer_get_integer($iset_buffer, "num_displayed") > 0); iset_show_bar($show_bar); iset_check_line_outside_window() if ($buffer_pointer eq $iset_buffer); return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } sub iset_item_cb { return iset_get_help(); } sub iset_upgrade_ended { iset_full_refresh(); } sub iset_end { # when script is unloaded, we hide bar iset_show_bar(0); } # -------------------------------[ mouse support ]------------------------------------- sub hook_focus_iset_cb { my %info = %{$_[1]}; my $bar_item_line = int($info{"_bar_item_line"}); undef my $hash; if (($info{"_buffer_name"} eq $PRGNAME) && $info{"_buffer_plugin"} eq $LANG && ($bar_item_line >= 0) && ($bar_item_line <= $#iset_focus)) { $hash = $iset_focus[$bar_item_line]; } else { $hash = {}; my $hash_focus = $iset_focus[0]; foreach my $key (keys %$hash_focus) { $hash->{$key} = "?"; } } return $hash; } # _chat_line_y contains selected line sub iset_hsignal_mouse_cb { my ($data, $signal, %hash) = ($_[0], $_[1], %{$_[2]}); return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK unless (@options_types); if ($hash{"_buffer_name"} eq $PRGNAME && ($hash{"_buffer_plugin"} eq $LANG)) { if ($hash{"_key"} eq "button1") { iset_set_current_line($hash{"_chat_line_y"}); } elsif ($hash{"_key"} eq "button2") { if ($options_types[$hash{"_chat_line_y"}] eq "boolean") { iset_set_option($options_names[$hash{"_chat_line_y"}], "toggle"); iset_set_current_line($hash{"_chat_line_y"}); } elsif ($options_types[$hash{"_chat_line_y"}] eq "string") { iset_set_current_line($hash{"_chat_line_y"}); weechat::command("", "/$PRGNAME **set"); } } elsif ($hash{"_key"} eq "button2-gesture-left" or $hash{"_key"} eq "button2-gesture-left-long") { if ($options_types[$hash{"_chat_line_y"}] eq "integer" or ($options_types[$hash{"_chat_line_y"}] eq "color")) { iset_set_current_line($hash{"_chat_line_y"}); my $distance = distance($hash{"_chat_line_x"},$hash{"_chat_line_x2"}); weechat::command("", "/repeat $distance /$PRGNAME **decr"); } } elsif ($hash{"_key"} eq "button2-gesture-right" or $hash{"_key"} eq "button2-gesture-right-long") { if ($options_types[$hash{"_chat_line_y"}] eq "integer" or ($options_types[$hash{"_chat_line_y"}] eq "color")) { iset_set_current_line($hash{"_chat_line_y"}); my $distance = distance($hash{"_chat_line_x"},$hash{"_chat_line_x2"}); weechat::command("", "/repeat $distance /$PRGNAME **incr"); } } } window_switch(); } sub window_switch { my $current_window = weechat::current_window(); my $dest_window = weechat::window_search_with_buffer(weechat::buffer_search("perl","iset")); return 0 if ($dest_window eq "" or $current_window eq $dest_window); my $infolist = weechat::infolist_get("window", $dest_window, ""); weechat::infolist_next($infolist); my $number = weechat::infolist_integer($infolist, "number"); weechat::infolist_free($infolist); weechat::command("","/window " . $number); } sub distance { my ($x1,$x2) = ($_[0], $_[1]); my $distance; $distance = $x1 - $x2; $distance = abs($distance); if ($distance > 0) { use integer; $distance = $distance / 3; $distance = 1 if ($distance == 0); } elsif ($distance == 0) { $distance = 1; } return $distance; } # -----------------------------------[ config ]--------------------------------------- sub iset_config_init { $iset_config_file = weechat::config_new($ISET_CONFIG_FILE_NAME,"iset_config_reload_cb",""); return if ($iset_config_file eq ""); # section "color" my $section_color = weechat::config_new_section($iset_config_file,"color", 0, 0, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); if ($section_color eq "") { weechat::config_free($iset_config_file); return; } $options_iset{"color_option"} = weechat::config_new_option( $iset_config_file, $section_color, "option", "color", "Color for option name in iset buffer", "", 0, 0, "default", "default", 0, "", "", "full_refresh_cb", "", "", ""); $options_iset{"color_option_selected"} = weechat::config_new_option( $iset_config_file, $section_color, "option_selected", "color", "Color for selected option name in iset buffer", "", 0, 0, "white", "white", 0, "", "", "full_refresh_cb", "", "", ""); $options_iset{"color_type"} = weechat::config_new_option( $iset_config_file, $section_color, "type", "color", "Color for option type (integer, boolean, string)", "", 0, 0, "brown", "brown", 0, "", "", "full_refresh_cb", "", "", ""); $options_iset{"color_type_selected"} = weechat::config_new_option( $iset_config_file, $section_color, "type_selected", "color", "Color for selected option type (integer, boolean, string)", "", 0, 0, "yellow", "yellow", 0, "", "", "full_refresh_cb", "", "", ""); $options_iset{"color_value"} = weechat::config_new_option( $iset_config_file, $section_color, "value", "color", "Color for option value", "", 0, 0, "cyan", "cyan", 0, "", "", "full_refresh_cb", "", "", ""); $options_iset{"color_value_selected"} = weechat::config_new_option( $iset_config_file, $section_color, "value_selected", "color", "Color for selected option value", "", 0, 0, "lightcyan", "lightcyan", 0, "", "", "full_refresh_cb", "", "", ""); $options_iset{"color_value_diff"} = weechat::config_new_option( $iset_config_file, $section_color, "value_diff", "color", "Color for option value different from default", "", 0, 0, "magenta", "magenta", 0, "", "", "full_refresh_cb", "", "", ""); $options_iset{"color_value_diff_selected"} = weechat::config_new_option( $iset_config_file, $section_color, "value_diff_selected", "color", "Color for selected option value different from default", "", 0, 0, "lightmagenta", "lightmagenta", 0, "", "", "full_refresh_cb", "", "", ""); $options_iset{"color_value_undef"} = weechat::config_new_option( $iset_config_file, $section_color, "value_undef", "color", "Color for option value undef", "", 0, 0, "green", "green", 0, "", "", "full_refresh_cb", "", "", ""); $options_iset{"color_value_undef_selected"} = weechat::config_new_option( $iset_config_file, $section_color, "value_undef_selected", "color", "Color for selected option value undef", "", 0, 0, "lightgreen", "lightgreen", 0, "", "", "full_refresh_cb", "", "", ""); $options_iset{"color_bg_selected"} = weechat::config_new_option( $iset_config_file, $section_color, "bg_selected", "color", "Background color for current selected option", "", 0, 0, "red", "red", 0, "", "", "full_refresh_cb", "", "", ""); $options_iset{"color_help_option_name"} = weechat::config_new_option( $iset_config_file, $section_color, "help_option_name", "color", "Color for option name in help-bar", "", 0, 0, "white", "white", 0, "", "", "bar_refresh", "", "", ""); $options_iset{"color_help_text"} = weechat::config_new_option( $iset_config_file, $section_color, "help_text", "color", "Color for option description in help-bar", "", 0, 0, "default", "default", 0, "", "", "bar_refresh", "", "", ""); $options_iset{"color_help_default_value"} = weechat::config_new_option( $iset_config_file, $section_color, "help_default_value", "color", "Color for default option value in help-bar", "", 0, 0, "green", "green", 0, "", "", "bar_refresh", "", "", ""); # section "help" my $section_help = weechat::config_new_section($iset_config_file,"help", 0, 0, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); if ($section_help eq "") { weechat::config_free($iset_config_file); return; } $options_iset{"show_help_bar"} = weechat::config_new_option( $iset_config_file, $section_help, "show_help_bar", "boolean", "Show help bar", "", 0, 0, "on", "on", 0, "", "", "toggle_help_cb", "", "", ""); $options_iset{"show_help_extra_info"} = weechat::config_new_option( $iset_config_file, $section_help, "show_help_extra_info", "boolean", "Show additional information in help bar (default value, max./min. value) ", "", 0, 0, "on", "on", 0, "", "", "", "", "", ""); $options_iset{"show_plugin_description"} = weechat::config_new_option( $iset_config_file, $section_help, "show_plugin_description", "boolean", "Show plugin description in iset buffer", "", 0, 0, "off", "off", 0, "", "", "full_refresh_cb", "", "", ""); # section "look" my $section_look = weechat::config_new_section($iset_config_file, "look", 0, 0, "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""); if ($section_look eq "") { weechat::config_free($iset_config_file); return; } $options_iset{"value_search_char"} = weechat::config_new_option( $iset_config_file, $section_look, "value_search_char", "string", "Trigger char to tell iset to search for value instead of option (for example: =red)", "", 0, 0, "=", "=", 0, "", "", "", "", "", ""); $options_iset{"scroll_horiz"} = weechat::config_new_option( $iset_config_file, $section_look, "scroll_horiz", "integer", "scroll content of iset buffer n%", "", 1, 100, "10", "10", 0, "", "", "", "", "", ""); $options_iset{"show_current_line"} = weechat::config_new_option( $iset_config_file, $section_look, "show_current_line", "boolean", "show current line in title bar.", "", 0, 0, "on", "on", 0, "", "", "", "", "", ""); $options_iset{"use_mute"} = weechat::config_new_option( $iset_config_file, $section_look, "use_mute", "boolean", "/mute command will be used in input bar", "", 0, 0, "off", "off", 0, "", "", "", "", "", ""); $options_iset{"use_color"} = weechat::config_new_option( $iset_config_file, $section_look, "use_color", "boolean", "display the color value in the corresponding color", "", 0, 0, "off", "off", 0, "", "", "full_refresh_cb", "", "", ""); } sub iset_config_reload_cb { my ($data,$config_file) = ($_[0], $_[1]); return weechat::config_reload($config_file) } sub iset_config_read { return weechat::config_read($iset_config_file) if ($iset_config_file ne ""); } sub iset_config_write { return weechat::config_write($iset_config_file) if ($iset_config_file ne ""); } sub full_refresh_cb { iset_full_refresh(); return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } sub bar_refresh { iset_get_help(1); weechat::bar_item_update("isetbar_help") if (weechat::config_boolean($options_iset{"show_help_bar"}) == 1); return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } sub toggle_help_cb { my $value = weechat::config_boolean($options_iset{"show_help_bar"}); iset_show_bar($value); return weechat::WEECHAT_RC_OK; } # -----------------------------------[ main ]----------------------------------------- weechat::register($PRGNAME, $AUTHOR, $VERSION, $LICENSE, $DESCR, "iset_end", ""); $wee_version_number = weechat::info_get("version_number", "") || 0; iset_config_init(); iset_config_read(); weechat::hook_command($PRGNAME, "Interactive set", "d <text> || f <file> || s <section> || [=][=]<text>", "d <text> : show only changed options\n". "f file : show options for a file\n". "s section: show options for a section\n". "text : show options with 'text' in name\n". weechat::config_string($options_iset{"value_search_char"})."text : show options with 'text' in value\n". weechat::config_string($options_iset{"value_search_char"}).weechat::config_string($options_iset{"value_search_char"})."text : show options with exact 'text' in value\n\n". "Keys for iset buffer:\n". "f11,f12 : move iset content left/right\n". "up,down : move one option up/down\n". "pgup,pdwn : move one page up/down\n". "home,end : move to first/last option\n". "ctrl+'L' : refresh options and screen\n". "alt+space : toggle boolean on/off\n". "alt+'+' : increase value (for integer or color)\n". "alt+'-' : decrease value (for integer or color)\n". "alt+'i',alt+'r': reset value of option\n". "alt+'i',alt+'u': unset option\n". "alt+enter : set new value for option (edit it with command line)\n". "text,enter : set a new filter using command line (use '*' to see all options)\n". "alt+'v' : toggle help bar on/off\n". "alt+'p' : toggle option \"show_plugin_description\" on/off\n". "q : as input in iset buffer to close it\n". "\n". "Mouse actions:\n". "wheel up/down : move cursor up/down\n". "left button : select an option from list\n". "right button : toggle boolean (on/off) or set a new value for option (edit it with command line)\n". "right button + drag left/right: increase/decrease value (for integer or color)\n". "\n". "Examples:\n". " show changed options in 'aspell' plugin\n". " /iset d aspell\n". " show options for file 'irc'\n". " /iset f irc\n". " show options for section 'look'\n". " /iset s look\n". " show all options with text 'nicklist' in name\n". " /iset nicklist\n". " show all values which contain 'red'. ('" . weechat::config_string($options_iset{"value_search_char"}) . "' is a trigger char).\n". " /iset ". weechat::config_string($options_iset{"value_search_char"}) ."red\n". " show all values which hit 'off'. ('" . weechat::config_string($options_iset{"value_search_char"}) . weechat::config_string($options_iset{"value_search_char"}) . "' is a trigger char).\n". " /iset ". weechat::config_string($options_iset{"value_search_char"}) . weechat::config_string($options_iset{"value_search_char"}) ."off\n". " show options for file 'weechat' which contains value 'off'\n". " /iset f weechat ".weechat::config_string($options_iset{"value_search_char"})."off\n". "", "", "iset_cmd_cb", ""); weechat::hook_signal("upgrade_ended", "iset_upgrade_ended", ""); weechat::hook_signal("window_scrolled", "iset_signal_window_scrolled_cb", ""); weechat::hook_signal("buffer_switch", "iset_signal_buffer_switch_cb",""); weechat::bar_item_new("isetbar_help", "iset_item_cb", ""); weechat::bar_new("isetbar", "on", "0", "window", "", "top", "horizontal", "vertical", "3", "3", "default", "cyan", "default", "1", "isetbar_help"); weechat::hook_modifier("bar_condition_isetbar", "iset_check_condition_isetbar_cb", ""); weechat::hook_config("*", "iset_config_cb", ""); $iset_buffer = weechat::buffer_search($LANG, $PRGNAME); iset_init() if ($iset_buffer ne ""); if ($wee_version_number >= 0x00030600) { weechat::hook_focus("chat", "hook_focus_iset_cb", ""); weechat::hook_hsignal($PRGNAME."_mouse", "iset_hsignal_mouse_cb", ""); weechat::key_bind("mouse", \%mouse_keys); }