FSRV Filehost server for https://x.icyphox.sh. (NON) FEATURES · Single-user · Only handles file upload. Serving is left to the reverse proxy. · Bring your own index.html (-index flag) · Requires a key to upload. Change the default! · Filetype hooks. (See HOOKS) USAGE Usage of ./fsrv: -index string path to index html file (default "index.html") -key string secret key; generate this yourself (default "secret") -namelen int length of random filename (default 5) -port string port to listen on (default "9393") -storepath string path to store uploaded files (default "uploads") -url string url for fsrv to serve files (default "localhost") Sample index.html is provided. Edit as required. HOOKS Hooks can be defined in the 'hooks/' directory for specific filetypes. These can be written in any language, provided the file is executable, and accepts one argument: the file to execute against. For example: the hooks/7z.sh file will run against all 7z files, and will recieve the filename as an argument ($1). The filetype is determined by parsing magic bytes, and not by file extension.