# Default values for longhorn. # This is a YAML-formatted file. # Declare variables to be passed into your templates. global: cattle: systemDefaultRegistry: "" image: longhorn: engine: repository: longhornio/longhorn-engine tag: v1.1.1 manager: repository: longhornio/longhorn-manager tag: v1.1.1 ui: repository: longhornio/longhorn-ui tag: v1.1.1 instanceManager: repository: longhornio/longhorn-instance-manager tag: v1_20201216 shareManager: repository: longhornio/longhorn-share-manager tag: v1_20210416 backingImageManager: repository: longhornio/backing-image-manager tag: v1_20210422 csi: attacher: repository: longhornio/csi-attacher tag: v2.2.1-lh1 provisioner: repository: longhornio/csi-provisioner tag: v1.6.0-lh1 nodeDriverRegistrar: repository: longhornio/csi-node-driver-registrar tag: v1.2.0-lh1 resizer: repository: longhornio/csi-resizer tag: v0.5.1-lh1 snapshotter: repository: longhornio/csi-snapshotter tag: v2.1.1-lh1 pullPolicy: IfNotPresent service: ui: type: ClusterIP nodePort: null manager: type: ClusterIP nodePort: "" persistence: defaultClass: true defaultClassReplicaCount: 3 reclaimPolicy: Delete recurringJobs: enable: false jobList: [] csi: kubeletRootDir: ~ attacherReplicaCount: ~ provisionerReplicaCount: ~ resizerReplicaCount: ~ snapshotterReplicaCount: ~ defaultSettings: backupTarget: ~ backupTargetCredentialSecret: ~ allowRecurringJobWhileVolumeDetached: ~ createDefaultDiskLabeledNodes: ~ defaultDataPath: ~ defaultDataLocality: ~ replicaSoftAntiAffinity: ~ storageOverProvisioningPercentage: ~ storageMinimalAvailablePercentage: ~ upgradeChecker: ~ defaultReplicaCount: ~ guaranteedEngineCPU: ~ defaultLonghornStaticStorageClass: ~ backupstorePollInterval: ~ taintToleration: ~ systemManagedComponentsNodeSelector: "arch:amd64" priorityClass: ~ autoSalvage: ~ autoDeletePodWhenVolumeDetachedUnexpectedly: ~ disableSchedulingOnCordonedNode: ~ replicaZoneSoftAntiAffinity: ~ volumeAttachmentRecoveryPolicy: ~ nodeDownPodDeletionPolicy: ~ allowNodeDrainWithLastHealthyReplica: ~ mkfsExt4Parameters: ~ disableReplicaRebuild: ~ replicaReplenishmentWaitInterval: ~ disableRevisionCounter: ~ systemManagedPodsImagePullPolicy: ~ allowVolumeCreationWithDegradedAvailability: ~ autoCleanupSystemGeneratedSnapshot: ~ concurrentAutomaticEngineUpgradePerNodeLimit: ~ backingImageCleanupWaitInterval: ~ guaranteedEngineManagerCPU: ~ guaranteedReplicaManagerCPU: ~ privateRegistry: registryUrl: ~ registryUser: ~ registryPasswd: ~ registrySecret: ~ longhornManager: priorityClass: ~ tolerations: [] ## If you want to set tolerations for Longhorn Manager DaemonSet, delete the `[]` in the line above ## and uncomment this example block # - key: "key" # operator: "Equal" # value: "value" # effect: "NoSchedule" nodeSelector: arch: "amd64" ## If you want to set node selector for Longhorn Manager DaemonSet, delete the `{}` in the line above ## and uncomment this example block # label-key1: "label-value1" # label-key2: "label-value2" longhornDriver: priorityClass: ~ tolerations: [] ## If you want to set tolerations for Longhorn Driver Deployer Deployment, delete the `[]` in the line above ## and uncomment this example block # - key: "key" # operator: "Equal" # value: "value" # effect: "NoSchedule" nodeSelector: arch: "amd64" ## If you want to set node selector for Longhorn Driver Deployer Deployment, delete the `{}` in the line above ## and uncomment this example block # label-key1: "label-value1" # label-key2: "label-value2" longhornUI: priorityClass: ~ tolerations: [] ## If you want to set tolerations for Longhorn UI Deployment, delete the `[]` in the line above ## and uncomment this example block # - key: "key" # operator: "Equal" # value: "value" # effect: "NoSchedule" nodeSelector: arch: "amd64" ## If you want to set node selector for Longhorn UI Deployment, delete the `{}` in the line above ## and uncomment this example block # label-key1: "label-value1" # label-key2: "label-value2" resources: {} # We usually recommend not to specify default resources and to leave this as a conscious # choice for the user. This also increases chances charts run on environments with little # resources, such as Minikube. If you do want to specify resources, uncomment the following # lines, adjust them as necessary, and remove the curly braces after 'resources:'. # limits: # cpu: 100m # memory: 128Mi # requests: # cpu: 100m # memory: 128Mi # ingress: ## Set to true to enable ingress record generation enabled: false ## Add ingressClassName to the Ingress ## Can replace the kubernetes.io/ingress.class annotation on v1.18+ ingressClassName: ~ host: xip.io ## Set this to true in order to enable TLS on the ingress record ## A side effect of this will be that the backend service will be connected at port 443 tls: false ## If TLS is set to true, you must declare what secret will store the key/certificate for TLS tlsSecret: longhorn.local-tls ## Ingress annotations done as key:value pairs ## If you're using kube-lego, you will want to add: ## kubernetes.io/tls-acme: true ## ## For a full list of possible ingress annotations, please see ## ref: https://github.com/kubernetes/ingress-nginx/blob/master/docs/annotations.md ## ## If tls is set to true, annotation ingress.kubernetes.io/secure-backends: "true" will automatically be set annotations: # kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginx # kubernetes.io/tls-acme: true secrets: ## If you're providing your own certificates, please use this to add the certificates as secrets ## key and certificate should start with -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- or ## -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- ## ## name should line up with a tlsSecret set further up ## If you're using kube-lego, this is unneeded, as it will create the secret for you if it is not set ## ## It is also possible to create and manage the certificates outside of this helm chart ## Please see README.md for more information # - name: longhorn.local-tls # key: # certificate: # Configure a pod security policy in the Longhorn namespace to allow privileged pods enablePSP: true ## Specify override namespace, specifically this is useful for using longhorn as sub-chart ## and its release namespace is not the `longhorn-system` namespaceOverride: "" # Annotations to add to the Longhorn Manager DaemonSet Pods. Optional. annotations: {}