JANNY A work-in-progress Kubernetes application to clean up Kubernetes resources after a set TTL. ROADMAP [x] Implement basic resource cleaning [x] Black/whitelist resources (--included-resources flag) [ ] Expiry timestamp [ ] Helm chart USAGE Two ways to deploy janny: plain Kubernetes manifests or via a Helm chart. Kubernetes manifests -------------------- 1. Modify deploy/deployment.yaml: specify included resources, and namespaces for janny to operate on. 2. Create a service account $ kubectl create sa janny 3. Modify deploy/clusterrole.yaml to limit janny's access to resources. Ensure that janny has access to the resources you specified in the deployment.yaml! 4. Deploy janny: $ kubectl apply -f deploy/ Helm chart ---------- TODO DEVELOPING Setup a local minikube cluster[1]. Then, clone this repo and install dependencies: $ poetry shell $ poetry install Build a docker image (gets stored in minikube's registry): $ eval $(minikube env-docker) $ docker build -t janny:latest . Finally, deploy to your cluster: $ kubectl create sa janny $ kubectl apply -f deploy/ PRIOR ART https://codeberg.org/hjacobs/kube-janitor: While kube-janitor already does the same thing, it's written using pykube, which has been undeveloped since 2017. [1]: https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/