legit ----- A git web frontend written in Go. Pronounced however you like; I prefer channeling my inner beret-wearing Frenchman, and saying "Oui, il est le git!" But yeah it's pretty legit, no cap on god fr fr. FEATURES • Fully customizable templates and stylesheets. • Cloning over http(s). • Less archaic HTML. • Not CGI. INSTALLING Clone it, 'go build' it. CONFIG Uses yaml for configuration. Looks for a 'config.yaml' in the current directory by default; pass the '--config' flag to point it elsewhere. Example config.yaml: repo: scanPath: /var/www/git readme: - readme - README - readme.md - README.md mainBranch: - master - main ignore: - foo - bar dirs: templates: ./templates static: ./static meta: title: git good description: i think it's a skill issue server: name: git.icyphox.sh host: port: 5555 These options are fairly self-explanatory, but of note are: • repo.scanPath: where all your git repos live (or die). legit doesn't traverse subdirs yet. • dirs: use this to override the default templates and static assets. • repo.readme: readme files to look for. • repo.mainBranch: main branch names to look for. • repo.ignore: repos to ignore, relative to scanPath. • repo.unlisted: repos to hide, relative to scanPath. • server.name: used for go-import meta tags and clone URLs. • meta.syntaxHighlight: this is used to select the syntax theme to render. If left blank or removed, the native theme will be used. If an invalid theme is set in this field, it will default to "monokailight". For more information about themes, please refer to chroma's gallery [1]. NOTES • Run legit behind a TLS terminating proxy like relayd(8) or nginx. • Cloning only works in bare repos -- this is a limitation inherent to git. You can still view non-bare repos just fine in legit. • The default head.html template uses my CDN to fetch fonts -- you may or may not want this. • Pushing over https, while supported, is disabled because auth is a pain. Use ssh. • Paths are unveil(2)'d on OpenBSD. • Docker images are available ghcr.io/icyphox/legit:{master,latest,vX.Y.Z}. [2] LICENSE legit is licensed under MIT. [1]: https://swapoff.org/chroma/playground/ [2]: https://github.com/icyphox/legit/pkgs/container/legit