\documentclass[]{config} \usepackage{fancyhdr} \pagestyle{fancy} \fancyhf{} \begin{document} \namesection{Anirudh}{Oppiliappan}{ \urlstyle{same}\href{https://icyphox.sh}{icyphox.sh} | \href{mailto:anirudh@oppiliappan.com}{anirudh@oppiliappan.com} | Helsinki, Finland } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % COLUMN ONE % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{minipage}[t]{0.33\textwidth} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % EDUCATION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Education} \subsection{SRM IST} \descript{B.Tech in Computer Science} \location{July 2017–2021 | Chennai, IN} \sectionsep %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % LINKS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %\vspace{4mm} % Hacky fix for awkward extra vertical space \section{Links} GitHub/\href{https://github.com/icyphox}{\bf icyphox} \\ LinkedIn/\href{https://www.linkedin.com/in/icyphox}{\bf icyphox} \\ \vspace{2mm} % Hacky fix for awkward extra vertical space %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % INTERESTS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Interests} \location{Distributed Systems} \location{Infrastructure} \location{Observability} \location{Cloud-native Security} \sectionsep \vspace{2mm} % Hacky fix for awkward extra vertical space %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % SKILLS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Skills} \subsection{Programming} Python \textbullet{} C \textbullet{} Nim \textbullet{} Shell \\ \textbullet{} Go \textbullet{} Lua \sectionsep \subsection{Security} Metasploit \textbullet{} Burp Suite \textbullet{} radare2 \textbullet{} gdb \sectionsep \subsection{Infrastructure} Kubernetes (GKE, bare metal) \textbullet{} Hashicorp Vault \\ \textbullet{} Prometheus \textbullet{} Falco \\ \textbullet{} Helm \textbullet{} OpenTelemetry \sectionsep %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % TALKS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %\vspace{4mm} % Hacky fix for awkward extra vertical space \section{Disclosures} {\bf\location{CVE-2019-13143}} — FB50 Smart Lock \vspace{4mm} % Hacky fix for awkward extra vertical space \section{Talks} {\bf\location{Cyware 2019}} — Intro to RE \\ {\bf\location{PyCon India 2019}} — "Smart lock? Nah dude." %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % COLUMN TWO % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \end{minipage} \hfill \begin{minipage}[t]{0.66\textwidth} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % EXPERIENCE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{Experience} \vspace{\topsep} % Hacky fix for awkward extra vertical space \runsubsection{UpCloud} \descript{Kubernetes Engineer} \location{January 2023-Present | Helsinki, FI} \vspace{\topsep} % Hacky fix for awkward extra vertical space \vspace{\topsep} % Hacky fix for awkward extra vertical space \begin{tightemize} \item End-to-end observability and logging pipelines \item Internal tooling and in-house Kubernetes operators (Go) \item Controller for running multi-tenant K8s control planes as pods (Go, Cluster API) \item Tech: Kubernetes (Cluster API), kubebuilder, Prometheus, Vector, Grafana \end{tightemize} \sectionsep \runsubsection{Ory} \descript{Site Reliability Engineer} \location{January 2022-December 2022} \vspace{\topsep} % Hacky fix for awkward extra vertical space \begin{tightemize} \item Centralized tracing infrastructure using OpenTelemetry, Grafana Tempo \item Centralized multi-cluster logging using Loki \item Edge caching of latency critical endpoints using Cloudflare Workers \item Open source contributions to all major Ory projects (Go) \end{tightemize} \sectionsep \runsubsection{DeepSource} \descript{Site Reliability Engineer} \location{January 2021–December 2021 | Bangalore, IN} \vspace{\topsep} % Hacky fix for awkward extra vertical space \begin{tightemize} \item Setting up an event driven observability pipeline \item Internal security tooling and practices (SOC2) \item Kubernetes cluster maintenance and hardening \item Tech: Kafka, Telegraf, InfluxDB, K8s, Tailscale, Prometheus, Falco, etc. \end{tightemize} \sectionsep %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % PROJECTS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \section{PROJECTS} \runsubsection{legit} \descript{Web frontend for Git} \location{Go} A web frontend for git, written in Go. \sectionsep \runsubsection{shlide} \descript{Slide deck presentation tool} \location{Bash} Plain-text powered, slide deck presentation tool written in pure bash. \\ \sectionsep \runsubsection{janny} \descript{Kubernetes resource cleaner} \location{Python} Clean up Kubernetes resources after a set TTL. \\ \sectionsep \runsubsection{forlater.email} \descript{Email-based bookmarking service} \location{Go} An email-based bookmarking service using OpenSMTPD and Go. \\ \sectionsep \runsubsection{vite} \descript{Minimal static site generator} \location{Go} A simple tool to rapidly generate static websites using only Markdown. \\ \sectionsep \end{minipage} \end{document} \documentclass[]{article}