18 January, 2020 Status update New year...new stuff? It's only been a two weeks since I got back to campus, and we've already got our first round of cycle tests starting this Tuesday. Granted, I returned a week late, but...that's nuts! We're two whole weeks into 2020; I should've been working on something status update worthy, right? Not really, but we'll see. No more Cloudflare! Yep. If you weren't aware -- pre-2020 this site was behind Cloudflare SSL and their DNS. I have since migrated off it to [1]he.net, thanks to highly upvoted Lobste.rs comment. Because of this switch, I infact, learnt a ton about DNS. Migrating to HE was very painless, but I did have to research a lot about PTR records -- Cloudflare kinda dumbs it down. In my case, I had to rename my DigitalOcean VPS instance to the FQDN, which then automagically created a PTR record at DO's end. I dropped icyrc The IRC client I was working on during the end of last December--early-January? Yeah, I lost interest. Apparently writing C and ncurses isn't very fun or stimulating. This also means I'm back on weechat. Until I find another client that plays well with ZNC, that is. KISS stuff I now maintain two new packages in the KISS community repository -- 2bwm and aerc! The KISS package system is stupid simple to work with. Creating packages has never been easier. [2]icyphox.sh/friends Did you notice that yet? I've been curating a list of people I know IRL and online, and linking to their online presence. This is like a webring of sorts, and promotes inter-site traffic -- making the web more "web" again. If you know me, feel free to [3]hit me up and I'll link your site too! My apologies if I've forgotten your name. Patreon! Is this big news? I dunno, but yes -- I now have a Patreon. I figured I'd cash in on the newfound traffic my site's been getting. There won't be any exclusive content or any tiers or whatever. Nothing will change. Just a place for y'all to toss me some $$$ if you wish to do so. ;) Oh, and it's at [4]patreon.com/icyphox. Misc. The Stormlight Archive is likely the best epic I have ever read till date. I'm still not done yet; about 500 odd pages to go as of this writing. But wow, Brandon really does know how to build worlds and magic systems. I cannot wait to read all about the [5]cosmere. I have also been working out for the past month or so. I can see them gainzzz. I plan to keep track of my progress, I just don't know how to quantify it. Perhaps I'll log the number of reps × sets I do each time, and with what weights. I can then look back to see if either the weights have increased since, or the number of reps × sets have. If you know of a better way to quantify progress, let me know! I'm pretty new to this. References 1. https://he.net/ 2. https://icyphox.sh/friends 3. https://icyphox.sh/about#contact 4. https://patreon.com/icyphox 5. https://coppermind.net/wiki/Cosmere