--- template: page.html title: about subtitle: This website serves my mind, digitized. date: 2021-03-20 --- This site is built using [vite](https://git.icyphox.sh/vite) -- a static site generator written in Go. The wiki index is generated using a [shell script](https://git.icyphox.sh/site/tree/bin/wiki.sh), with heavy use of bashisms. This script runs prior to vite, and preps the wiki index page's markdown. The blog is used as a space for my rants, long form writing and descriptions of my technical endeavours. This wiki is my personal logging system; a map of my mind. It is a work in progress, and is far from done, as of this writing. Nearly all media content, barring some old images, are served from my file host at https://x.icyphox.sh. This is hosted on my Raspberry Pi, at home. If you notice slow image loads, this is why. At present, I have no plans to change this setup. The source for this site is [here](https://git.icyphox.sh/site). I don't care for analytics or statistics; I value your privacy. All content hosted on this site is available under the **Creative Commons BY-NC-SA** license. All source for this site is available under **MIT**.