20 July, 2020 Status update Things I've been up to, for the past month-ish I realize I haven't updated this site in a while -- mostly due to lack of time. The past two weeks have been pretty busy (read: I now actually have work to do), which also means I have very little time to devote to personal projects. Anyway, on with the update. I now work at CometChat I've begun working as an Engineering Intern at [1]CometChat. It's been a very interesting experience so far. Most of my work revolves around infrastructure and platform engineering -- pretty exciting stuff. [Oops, redacted] I have also been extensively dabbling in XMPP and websocket internals, as I'm writing a websocket proxy of sorts. I'll probably talk about it in a future blog post, once I get approval org-side. :^) that's literally it I sat all day thinking of what else to add to this post -- there's got to be something else right? Not really. I don't think I did anything worthwhile. I did get some pretty interesting emails from people who read this blog, so yes, please email me -- even if it's just to say hi. I always reply. References 1. https://www.cometchat.com/