--- template: url: r2wars title: My r2wars attempts subtitle: It's like Killer Robots, except in assembly date: 2020-08-17 --- [r2wars](https://github.com/radareorg/r2wars) is a [CoreWar](http://corewars.org)-like game thar runs within the radare2 [ESIL](https://radare.gitbooks.io/radare2book/content/disassembling/esil.html) virtual machine. In short, you have two programs running in a shared memory space (1kb), with the goal of killing the other and surviving as long as possible. You're allowed to write your bots in x86, ARM and MIPS (32 and 64 bits). I'd initially considered writing my bots in ARM -- but x86's `pushad` won me over. And I didn't really feel like revising my ARM... maybe I should. We'll see. ## `bomb.x86-32.asm` This was the first bot I wrote. It's incredibly simple -- it carpet bombs the entire address space (`0x000` - `0x400`) with