--- template: title: 2019 in review subtitle: A look back at last year date: 2020-01-02 slug: 2019-in-review --- Just landed in a rainy Chennai, back in campus for my 6th semester. A little late to the "year in review blog post" party; travel took up most of my time. Last year was pretty eventful (at least in my books), and I think I did a bunch of cool stuff -- let's see! ## Interning at SecureLayer7 Last summer, I interned at [SecureLayer7](https://securelayer7.net), a security consulting firm in Pune, India. My work was mostly in hardware and embededded security research. I learnt a ton about ARM and MIPS reversing and exploitation, UART and JTAG, firmware RE and enterprise IoT security. I also earned my first CVE! I've written about it in detail [here](/blog/fb50). ## Conferences I attended two major conferences last year -- Nullcon Goa and PyCon India. Both super fun experiences and I met a ton of cool people! [Nullcon Twitter thread](https://twitter.com/icyphox/status/1101022604851212288) and [PyCon blog post](/blog/pycon-wrap-up). ## Talks I gave two talks last year: 1. *Intro to Reverse Engineering* at Cyware 2019 2. *"Smart lock? Nah dude."* at PyCon India ## Things I made Not in order, because I CBA: - [repl](https://github.com/icyphox/repl): More of a quick bash hack, I don't really use it. - [pw](https://github.com/icyphox/pw): A password manager. This, I actually do use. I've even written a tiny [`dmenu` wrapper](https://github.com/icyphox/dotfiles/blob/master/bin/pwmenu.sh) for it. - [twsh](https://github.com/icyphox/twsh): An incomplete twtxt client, in bash. I have yet to get around to finishing it. - [alpine ports](https://github.com/icyphox/alpine): My APKBUILDs for Alpine. - [detotated](https://github.com/icyphox/detotated): An IRC bot written in Python. See [IRC for DMs](/blog/irc-for-dms). - [icyrc](https://github.com/icyphox/icyrc): A no bullshit IRC client, because WeeChat is bloat. I probably missed something, but whatever. ## Blog posts ``` $ ls -1 pages/blog/*.md | wc -l 20 ``` So excluding today's post, and `_index.md`, that's 18 posts! I had initially planned to write one post a month, but hey, this is great. My plan for 2020 is to write one post a _week_ -- unrealistic, I know, but I will try nevertheless. I wrote about a bunch of things, ranging from programming to return-oriented-programming (heh), sysadmin and security stuff, and a hint of culture and philosophy. Nice! The [Python for Reverse Engineering](/blog/python-for-re-1) post got a ton of attention on the interwebz, so that was cool. ## Bye 2019 2019 was super productive! (in my terms). I learnt a lot of new things last year, and I can only hope to learn as much in 2020. :) I'll see you next week.