--- template: slug: honk-fly title: Honkin' on the Fly subtitle: Running honk on fly.io date: 2022-05-25 --- **Update 2022-08-11**: As with literally every update of mine, I'm no longer running honk on Fly. It's way easier to simply run it on a server myself, behind nginx. Huh -- who knew? For those unaware -- first of all, how? it's literally everywhere -- [fly.io](https://fly.io) is the new platform-as-a-service du jour. The idea is to give them a Dockerfile (or a pre-built image, or just generic applications in [a bunch of languages](https://fly.io/docs/getting-started/#language-guides)), and they run it for you on servers across the globe. Firecracker microVMs, WireGuard, and some other neat tech. Understandably, this gets the average Hacker News-type (me), excited. And I'd been meaning to switch my fediverse instance over to [honk](https://humungus.tedunangst.com/r/honk) -- a stateful Go application using sqlite[^1]. And the fly.io folks [really like sqlite](https://fly.io/blog/all-in-on-sqlite-litestream/). The stars have aligned. [^1]: Written by [tedu](https://honk.tedunangst.com/u/tedu). He's a cool guy who runs and hacks OpenBSD. The honk source is a fun read. I trust that you can figure out the initial setup bits like logging in to the dashboard and giving them your credit card info and praying that they don't run you a bill of $5000 because you somehow blew through their free allowance resources. As I understand it, Fly "auto-scales", so this scenario isn't unlikely -- however, [they do offer some leniency](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31392497). Luckily, the chances of me turning into a fedi-influencer (_fedifluencer_?) overnight are rather slim. ## setup They want a Dockerfile, so let's give them one. ```dockerfile FROM golang:1.18-alpine AS builder RUN apk add sqlite-dev build-base mercurial WORKDIR /tmp/src RUN hg clone https://humungus.tedunangst.com/r/honk RUN cd honk && make FROM alpine:latest RUN apk add sqlite sqlite-dev COPY local /tmp/local COPY memes /tmp/memes COPY emus /tmp/emus WORKDIR /opt COPY --from=builder /tmp/src/honk/honk /bin/ COPY --from=builder /tmp/src/honk/views views/ COPY start /bin ENV HONK_DATA_DIR "/opt/data" ENV HONK_VIEWS_DIR "/opt/" CMD ["/bin/start"] ``` Not too much going on here -- we pull latest tip, build honk, copy the `local` directory containing our `local.css` (custom styles); the `memes` directory containing, well, memes (PNGs and GIFs); and the `emus` directory containing emoji (used as `:filename:`). These will then be copied into the Fly volume later on by the `start` script. Kinda gross, but whatever. And the `start` script: ```sh #!/bin/sh run() { cp -R /tmp/memes/* "$HONK_DATA_DIR"/memes/ cp -R /tmp/memes/* "$HONK_DATA_DIR"/emus/ cp -R /tmp/local/* "$HONK_DATA_DIR"/views/ honk -datadir "$HONK_DATA_DIR" -viewdir "$HONK_VIEWS_DIR" } # first time setup if [ ! -f "$HONK_DATA_DIR/honk.db" ]; then honk init <<-EOF $HONK_USERNAME $HONK_PASSWORD $HONK_ADDRESS $HONK_SERVER_NAME EOF fi run ``` This simply copies our stuff from the container into the volume, and launches honk. If the honk database doesn't yet exist, we run `honk init` and set it up. These environment variables are configured in the `fly.toml` file: ```toml app = "honk" kill_signal = "SIGINT" kill_timeout = 5 processes = [] [mounts] source = "honkstore" destination = "/opt/data" [env] HONK_USERNAME = "icy" HONK_ADDRESS = "" HONK_SERVER_NAME = "h.icyphox.sh" [experimental] allowed_public_ports = [] auto_rollback = true [[services]] http_checks = [] internal_port = 8080 processes = ["app"] protocol = "tcp" script_checks = [] [services.concurrency] hard_limit = 50 soft_limit = 20 type = "connections" [[services.ports]] force_https = true handlers = ["http"] port = 80 [[services.ports]] handlers = ["tls", "http"] port = 443 [[services.tcp_checks]] grace_period = "1s" interval = "15s" restart_limit = 0 timeout = "2s" ``` The `fly.toml` gets generated when you first run `fly launch`. The only bits I've added are the `env` and `mounts` sections. Notice that `HONK_PASSWORD` is missing, and for good reason -- Fly has support for secrets, which can be created quite handily using: ```sh $ flyctl secrets set HONK_PASSWORD="$(pw -s honk)" ``` ## deploy The only thing left to do is to provision our volume for persistence, and we're off to the races: ```sh $ flyctl volumes create honkstore --region maa ID: vol_1g67340omkm4ydxw Name: honkstore App: honk Region: maa Zone: aed0 Size GB: 10 Encrypted: true Created at: 21 May 22 16:07 UTC $ flyctl deploy ``` ## post-deploy I like having pretty usernames. In this case, I want to drop the `h.` subdomain and have it look like this: `icy@icyphox.sh`. To do this, we simply set the `masqname` key in the database to our desired hostname[^2]: ```sh $ honk setconfig 'masqname' 'icyphox.sh' ``` [^2]: Had to setup a custom domain for this: https://fly.io/docs/app-guides/custom-domains-with-fly/ And at `icyphox.sh`, we setup a redirect to `h.icyphox.sh` at the `/.well-known/webfinger` path. I did this [via Netlify](https://github.com/icyphox/site/commit/4bbc8335481a0466d7c23953b0f6057f97607ed1); you can do it however, as long as the query parameters are preserved. Read more about webfingers and other thingamabobs [here](https://docs.joinmastodon.org/spec/webfinger/). I did a bunch more like custom CSS, avatars etc. but I'll leave that as homework for you ([honk(8)](https://humungus.tedunangst.com/r/honk/m/honk.8) is mandatory reading!). ## thoughts **On Fly**: I think it's neat. Rough edges? Sure. My [deploy was stuck in `pending`](https://community.fly.io/t/app-stuck-in-pending-in-maa-region/5280); I had to delete it and re-create it for it to start working again. I lost my data in the process because volumes are attached to apps. Perhaps I should've waited and the problem would've fixed itself. Who knows? And that's the eternal problem with PaaS -- there's a layer of abstraction that you can't ever pierce. You can't truly know what the problem was unless they publish a post-mortem (or don't). Anyway, in this case I'll just chalk it up to teething issues. Is it easier than simply building it on a server and running `nohup ./honk &` and calling it a day[^3]? Not really. It's more fun, I guess. [^3]: Yes that's actually how I run a bunch of my services, including [forlater.email](https://forlater.email)! **On honk**: It's refreshing. I liked running Pleroma + Soapbox (I still do, haven't killed it yet), but it always felt alien to me. I didn't understand the code, didn't enjoy having to upgrade Elixir/Erlang OTP whatever, `mix.deps get` blah blah; a single Go binary + sqlite + HTML templates speaks to me. Go follow me at [icy@icyphox.sh](https://h.icyphox.sh/u/icy). It's why I even wrote this post. Not that I can see it, honk doesn't have those ego-numbers. You can find all the source code to deploy honk yourself here: https://git.icyphox.sh/honk