--- template: title: Status update subtitle: Not weekly anymore, but was it ever? date: 2019-10-17 slug: 2019-10-17 --- I've decided to drop the "Weekly" part of the status update posts, since they were never weekly and -- let's be honest -- they aren't going to be. These posts are, henceforth, just "Status updates". The date range can be inferred from the post date. That said, here's what I've been up to! ## Void Linux Yes, I decided to ditch Alpine in favor of Void. Alpine was great, really. The very comfy `apk`, ultra mnml system... but having to maintain a chroot for my glibc needs was getting way too painful. And the package updates are so slow! Heck, they're still on kernel 4.xx on their supposed "bleeding" `edge` repo. So yes, Void Linux it is. Still a very clean system. I'm loving it. I also undervolted my system using [`undervolt`](https://github.com/georgewhewell/undervolt) (-95 mV). Can't say for sure if there's a noticeable difference in battery life though. I'll see if I can run some tests. This _should_ be the end of my distro hopping. Hopefully. ## PyCon Yeah yeah, enough already. Read [my previous post](/blog/pycon-wrap-up). ## This website I've moved out of GitHub Pages over to Netlify. This isn't my first time using Netlify, though. I used to host my old blog which ran Hugo, there. I was tired of doing this terrible hack to maintain a single repo for both my source (`master`) and deploy (`gh-pages`). In essence, here's what I did: ```shell #!/usr/bin/env bash git push origin master # push contents of `build/` to the `gh-pages` branch git subtree push --prefix build origin gh-pages ``` I can now simply push to `master`, and Netlify generates a build for me by installing [vite](https://github.com/icyphox/vite), and running `vite build`. Very pleasant. ## `mnmlwm`'s status [mnmlwm](https://github.com/minimalwm/minimal), for those unaware, is my pet project which aims to be a simple window manager written in Nim. I'd taken a break from it for a while because Xlib is such a pain to work with (or I'm just dense). Anyway, I'm planning on getting back to it, with some fresh inspiration from Dylan Araps' [sowm](https://github.com/dylanaraps/sowm). ## Other I've been reading a lot of manga lately. Finished _Kekkon Yubiwa Monogatari_ (till the latest chapter) and _Another_, and I've just started _Kakegurui_. I'll reserve my opinions for when I update the [reading log](/reading). That's about it, and I'll see you -- definitely not next week.