--- template: slug: finland title: I am moving to Finland subtitle: This is what I was packing for date: 2023-01-18 --- The past two weeks or so have felt like a fever dream. It's been a blurry daze ever since I received my passport from the Finnish Embassy in New Delhi. I still can't believe everything has finally materialized and this move is actually happening. In about 10 hours from now, I will be boarding my flight from Bangalore, transiting via Doha, to Helsinki. So, how did this come about? I got employed there -- I'm joining [UpCloud](https://upcloud.com) as an SRE in their Orchestration team, and will be working out of Helsinki. They helped with the immigration process and will also be helping out with certain initial local affairs and apartment hunting. The biggest, most obvious change for me will be the weather. Going from around 25°C to near-zero temps will need some acclimatization. I bought the thickest, heaviest, water & snow-proof parka that Decathlon had to offer, along with some monstrous snow boots -- I hope it'll suffice for the first few days. I'm very much looking forward to life there -- low pollution, clean water, fresh produce (berries!), excellent public transport. Oh and of course, the *slightly* less population density. Fun fact: the total population of the entirety of Finland (5.6 million) is less than half of Bangalore's (13 something million). Suffice to say, I'm beyond stoked for this new beginning both in Helsinki and at UpCloud. I'll post an update once I've settled down. In the meanwhile, my [fedi](https://h.icyphox.sh/@icy) will have more frequent updates. Moikka!