template: index.html
title: Anirudh (icyphox)
subtitle: Memeing security since forever.
Hi! I'm Anirudh. I'm currently majoring in Computer Science and
I generally do computer security stuff.
When I'm not breaking things, I write (pretty) bad code in the [Nim](https://nim-lang.org)
programming language. Or Python, otherwise.
I enjoy using Linux systems, and I'm the kind of guy who "*rices*"
and has his [dotfiles](https://github.com/icyphox/dotfiles) under version control.
I do a bunch of other things too, which you can read all about [here](/about).
Want to contact me? The best way is via email (plain-text please), at [x@icyphox.sh](mailto:x@icyphox.sh)
or via [Twitter](https://twitter.com/icyphox) DMs.
# latest post
`2019-09-10` — [Disinformation demystified](/blog/disinfo)
([see all](/blog))
# currently reading
[The Undending Game: A Former R&AW Chief's Insights into Espionage](https://www.amazon.in/Unending-Game-Former-Insights-Espionage/dp/0670091502)
*still reading* | by **Vikram Sood** | started **8th August, 2019**
([see all](/reading))