--- template: text.html title: Return Oriented Programming on ARM (32-bit) subtitle: Making stack-based exploitation great again! date: 2019-06-06 url: rop-on-arm --- Before we start _anything_, you’re expected to know the basics of ARM assembly to follow along. I highly recommend [Azeria’s](https://twitter.com/fox0x01) series on [ARM Assembly Basics](https://azeria-labs.com/writing-arm-assembly-part-1/). Once you’re comfortable with it, proceed with the next bit---environment setup. ## Setup Since we’re working with the ARM architecture, there are two options to go forth with: 1. Emulate---head over to [qemu.org/download](https://www.qemu.org/download/) and install QEMU. And then download and extract the ARMv6 Debian Stretch image from one of the links [here](https://blahcat.github.io/qemu/). The scripts found inside should be self-explanatory. 2. Use actual ARM hardware, like an RPi. For debugging and disassembling, we’ll be using plain old `gdb`, but you may use `radare2`, IDA or anything else, really. All of which can be trivially installed. And for the sake of simplicity, disable ASLR: ```shell $ echo 0 > /proc/sys/kernel/randomize_va_space ``` Finally, the binary we’ll be using in this exercise is [Billy Ellis’](https://twitter.com/bellis1000) [roplevel2](/static/files/roplevel2.c). Compile it: ```sh $ gcc roplevel2.c -o rop2 ``` With that out of the way, here’s a quick run down of what ROP actually is. ## A primer on ROP ROP or Return Oriented Programming is a modern exploitation technique that’s used to bypass protections like the **NX bit** (no-execute bit) and **code sigining**. In essence, no code in the binary is actually modified and the entire exploit is crafted out of pre-existing artifacts within the binary, known as **gadgets**. A gadget is essentially a small sequence of code (instructions), ending with a `ret`, or a return instruction. In our case, since we’re dealing with ARM code, there is no `ret` instruction but rather a `pop {pc}` or a `bx lr`. These gadgets are _chained_ together by jumping (returning) from one onto the other to form what’s called as a **ropchain**. At the end of a ropchain, there’s generally a call to `system()`, to acheive code execution. In practice, the process of executing a ropchain is something like this: - confirm the existence of a stack-based buffer overflow - identify the offset at which the instruction pointer gets overwritten - locate the addresses of the gadgets you wish to use - craft your input keeping in mind the stack’s layout, and chain the addresses of your gadgets [LiveOverflow](https://twitter.com/LiveOverflow) has a [beautiful video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zaQVNM3or7k&list=PLhixgUqwRTjxglIswKp9mpkfPNfHkzyeN&index=46&t=0s) where he explains ROP using “weird machines”. Check it out, it might be just what you needed for that “aha!” moment :) Still don’t get it? Don’t fret, we’ll look at _actual_ exploit code in a bit and hopefully that should put things into perspective. ## Exploring our binary Start by running it, and entering any arbitrary string. On entering a fairly large string, say, “A” × 20, we see a segmentation fault occur.  Now, open it up in `gdb` and look at the functions inside it.  There are three functions that are of importance here, `main`, `winner` and `gadget`. Disassembling the `main` function:  We see a buffer of 16 bytes being created (`sub sp, sp, #16`), and some calls to `puts()`/`printf()` and `scanf()`. Looks like `winner` and `gadget` are never actually called. Disassembling the `gadget` function:  This is fairly simple, the stack is being initialized by `push`ing `{r11}`, which is also the frame pointer (`fp`). What’s interesting is the `pop {r0, pc}` instruction in the middle. This is a **gadget**. We can use this to control what goes into `r0` and `pc`. Unlike in x86 where arguments to functions are passed on the stack, in ARM the registers `r0` to `r3` are used for this. So this gadget effectively allows us to pass arguments to functions using `r0`, and subsequently jumping to them by passing its address in `pc`. Neat. Moving on to the disassembly of the `winner` function:  Here, we see a calls to `puts()`, `system()` and finally, `exit()`. So our end goal here is to, quite obviously, execute code via the `system()` function. Now that we have an overview of what’s in the binary, let’s formulate a method of exploitation by messing around with inputs. ## Messing around with inputs :^) Back to `gdb`, hit `r` to run and pass in a patterned input, like in the screenshot.  We hit a segfault because of invalid memory at address `0x46464646`. Notice the `pc` has been overwritten with our input. So we smashed the stack alright, but more importantly, it’s at the letter ‘F’. Since we know the offset at which the `pc` gets overwritten, we can now control program execution flow. Let’s try jumping to the `winner` function. Disassemble `winner` again using `disas winner` and note down the offset of the second instruction---`add r11, sp, #4`. For this, we’ll use Python to print our input string replacing `FFFF` with the address of `winner`. Note the endianness. ```shell $ python -c 'print("AAAABBBBCCCCDDDDEEEE\x28\x05\x01\x00")' | ./rop2 ```  The reason we don’t jump to the first instruction is because we want to control the stack ourselves. If we allow `push {rll, lr}` (first instruction) to occur, the program will `pop` those out after `winner` is done executing and we will no longer control where it jumps to. So that didn’t do much, just prints out a string “Nothing much here...”. But it _does_ however, contain `system()`. Which somehow needs to be populated with an argument to do what we want (run a command, execute a shell, etc.). To do that, we’ll follow a multi-step process: 1. Jump to the address of `gadget`, again the 2nd instruction. This will `pop` `r0` and `pc`. 2. Push our command to be executed, say “`/bin/sh`” onto the stack. This will go into `r0`. 3. Then, push the address of `system()`. And this will go into `pc`. The pseudo-code is something like this: ``` string = AAAABBBBCCCCDDDDEEEE gadget = # addr of gadget binsh = # addr of /bin/sh system = # addr of system() print(string + gadget + binsh + system) ``` Clean and mean. ## The exploit To write the exploit, we’ll use Python and the absolute godsend of a library---`struct`. It allows us to pack the bytes of addresses to the endianness of our choice. It probably does a lot more, but who cares. Let’s start by fetching the address of `/bin/sh`. In `gdb`, set a breakpoint at `main`, hit `r` to run, and search the entire address space for the string “`/bin/sh`”: ``` (gdb) find &system, +9999999, "/bin/sh" ```  One hit at `0xb6f85588`. The addresses of `gadget` and `system()` can be found from the disassmblies from earlier. Here’s the final exploit code: ```python import struct binsh = struct.pack("I", 0xb6f85588) string = "AAAABBBBCCCCDDDDEEEE" gadget = struct.pack("I", 0x00010550) system = struct.pack("I", 0x00010538) print(string + gadget + binsh + system) ``` Honestly, not too far off from our pseudo-code :) Let’s see it in action:  Notice that it doesn’t work the first time, and this is because `/bin/sh` terminates when the pipe closes, since there’s no input coming in from STDIN. To get around this, we use `cat(1)` which allows us to relay input through it to the shell. Nifty trick. ## Conclusion This was a fairly basic challenge, with everything laid out conveniently. Actual ropchaining is a little more involved, with a lot more gadgets to be chained to acheive code execution. Hopefully, I’ll get around to writing about heap exploitation on ARM too. That’s all for now.