--- template: slug: flask-jwt-login title: Flask-JWT-Extended × Flask-Login subtitle: Apparently I do webshit now date: 2020-06-24 --- For the past few months, I've been working on building a backend for `$STARTUP`, with a bunch of friends. I'll probably write in detail about it when we launch our beta. The backend is your bog standard REST API, built on Flask -- if you didn't guess from the title already. Our existing codebase heavily relies on [Flask-Login](https://flask-login.readthedocs.io); it offers some pretty neat interfaces for dealing with users and their states. However, its default mode of operation -- sessions -- don't really fit into a Flask app that's really just an API. It's not optimal. Besides, this is what [JWTs](https://jwt.io) were built for. I won't bother delving deep into JSON web tokens, but the general flow is like so: - client logs in via say `/login` - a unique token is sent in the response - each subsequent request authenticated request is sent with the token The neat thing about tokens is you can store stuff in them -- "claims", as they're called. ## returning an `access_token` to the client The `access_token` is sent to the client upon login. The idea is simple, perform your usual checks (username / password etc.) and login the user via `flask_login.login_user`. Generate an access token using `flask_jwt_extended.create_access_token`, store your user identity in it (and other claims) and return it to the user in your `200` response. Here's the excerpt from our codebase. ```python access_token = create_access_token(identity=email) login_user(user, remember=request.json["remember"]) return good("Logged in successfully!", access_token=access_token) ``` But, for `login_user` to work, we need to setup a custom user loader to pull out the identity from the request and return the user object. ## defining a custom user loader in Flask-Login By default, Flask-Login handles user loading via the `user_loader` decorator, which should return a user object. However, since we want to pull a user object from the incoming request (the token contains it), we'll have to write a custom user loader via the `request_loader` decorator. ```python # Checks the 'Authorization' header by default. app.config["JWT_TOKEN_LOCATION"] = ["json"] # Defaults to 'identity', but the spec prefers 'sub'. app.config["JWT_IDENTITY_CLAIM"] = "sub" @login.request_loader def load_person_from_request(request): try: token = request.json["access_token"] except Exception: return None data = decode_token(token) # this can be your 'User' class person = PersonSignup.query.filter_by(email=data["sub"]).first() if person: return person return None ``` There's just one mildly annoying thing to deal with, though. Flask-Login insists on setting a session cookie. We will have to disable this behaviour ourselves. And the best part? There's no documentation for this -- well there is, but it's incomplete and points to deprecated functions. ## disabling Flask-Login's session cookie To do this, we define a custom session interface, like so: ```python from flask.sessions import SecureCookieSessionInterface from flask import g from flask_login import user_loaded_from_request @user_loaded_from_request.connect def user_loaded_from_request(app, user=None): g.login_via_request = True class CustomSessionInterface(SecureCookieSessionInterface): def should_set_cookie(self, *args, **kwargs): return False def save_session(self, *args, **kwargs): if g.get("login_via_request"): return return super(CustomSessionInterface, self).save_session(*args, **kwargs) app.session_interface = CustomSessionInterface() ``` In essence, this checks the global store `g` for `login_via_request` and and doesn't set a cookie in that case. I've submitted a PR upstream for this to be included in the docs ([#514](https://github.com/maxcountryman/flask-login/pull/514)).