--- template: index.html title: forlater.email — email-based bookmarking subtitle: an email-based bookmarking service --- ## what? forlater is an email-based bookmarking service. You send us an email with a link (or links), and receive a readable, clutter-free version of the article in an email. This is a *"paid service"* -- you just pay how much ever you want via: - [Liberapay](https://liberapay.com/icyphox/donate) (recurring) - [Ko-fi](https://ko-fi.com/icyphox) (one-time) - BTC: `3DLkSNkWugYUzh5A5WyhB5J9untA9sUrDX` (not preferred) I insist that you try it out before you do; you can better gauge how much value you derive from forlater. It's completely fine if you don't want to pay too! ## how does it work? Easy. Do this: - Grab a link. Copy it to your clipboard; use your phone's share-menu, whatever. - Compose an email using any mail client to `save@forlater.email` with the link in the body. The subject doesn't matter. - On desktop, you can use the Firefox/Chrome [browser add-ons](/add-ons). - Hit send and give it a moment. All pages are sent as both `text/html` and `text/plain`. The plaintext is optimized for maximum readability, with all images and links converted to footnotes. The HTML is minimally styled, and should look fine in just about any mail client. ## but why email? The reason is simple: you get organization for free. All mail sent by us originate from `saved@forlater.email` (notice `saved`!), and you can filter these however you like. For example, here's a [sieve](http://sieve.info/) filter for redirecting mail from `saved@forlater.email` to a folder called `Read Later`. ```sieve require ["fileinto", "mailbox"]; if address "From" "saved@forlater.email" { fileinto :create "Read Later"; } ``` Or, if you use GMail, you can [create filter rules](https://support.google.com/mail/answer/6579?hl=en#zippy=%2Ccreate-a-filter) to automatically label mail from `saved@forlater.email`. In short: do it however you like! That's the beauty of email. ## important notes forlater is still beta quality software. The web is hard, and so is email. Some pages might not get parsed properly; if you're trying to save pages that don't primarily have much text, it probably won't work very well. All that said, forlater is generally *feature complete*. I'm its biggest user and it does everything I need. You are free to suggest features, but I probably won't implement them unless I myself find it useful. ## contact If you're having issues of any kind (didn't receive your saved link; link didn't render correctly; etc.), please feel free to email me with relevant details at [x@icyphox.sh](mailto:x@icyphox.sh) and I'll be happy to take a look.