example/main.go (view raw)
2// Black Friday Markdown Processor
3// Originally based on http://github.com/tanoku/upskirt
4// by Russ Ross <russ@russross.com>
9// Example front-end for command-line use
13package main
15import (
16 "flag"
17 "fmt"
18 "io/ioutil"
19 "github.com/russross/blackfriday"
20 "os"
23func main() {
24 // parse command-line options
25 var page, xhtml, latex, smartypants bool
26 var css string
27 var repeat int
28 flag.BoolVar(&page, "page", false,
29 "Generate a standalone HTML page (implies -latex=false)")
30 flag.BoolVar(&xhtml, "xhtml", true,
31 "Use XHTML-style tags in HTML output")
32 flag.BoolVar(&latex, "latex", false,
33 "Generate LaTeX output instead of HTML")
34 flag.BoolVar(&smartypants, "smartypants", false,
35 "Apply smartypants-style substitutions")
36 flag.StringVar(&css, "css", "",
37 "Link to a CSS stylesheet (implies -page)")
38 flag.IntVar(&repeat, "repeat", 1,
39 "Process the input multiple times (for benchmarking)")
40 flag.Usage = func() {
41 fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Usage:\n"+
42 " %s [options] [inputfile [outputfile]]\n\n"+
43 "Options:\n", os.Args[0])
44 flag.PrintDefaults()
45 }
46 flag.Parse()
48 // enforce implied options
49 if css != "" {
50 page = true
51 }
52 if page {
53 latex = false
54 }
56 // read the input
57 var input []byte
58 var err os.Error
59 args := flag.Args()
60 switch len(args) {
61 case 0:
62 if input, err = ioutil.ReadAll(os.Stdin); err != nil {
63 fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Error reading from Stdin:", err)
64 os.Exit(-1)
65 }
66 case 1, 2:
67 if input, err = ioutil.ReadFile(args[0]); err != nil {
68 fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Error reading from", args[0], ":", err)
69 os.Exit(-1)
70 }
71 default:
72 flag.Usage()
73 os.Exit(-1)
74 }
76 // set up options
77 var extensions uint32
78 extensions |= blackfriday.EXTENSION_NO_INTRA_EMPHASIS
79 extensions |= blackfriday.EXTENSION_TABLES
80 extensions |= blackfriday.EXTENSION_FENCED_CODE
81 extensions |= blackfriday.EXTENSION_AUTOLINK
82 extensions |= blackfriday.EXTENSION_STRIKETHROUGH
83 extensions |= blackfriday.EXTENSION_SPACE_HEADERS
85 var renderer *blackfriday.Renderer
86 if latex {
87 // render the data into LaTeX
88 renderer = blackfriday.LatexRenderer(0)
89 } else {
90 // render the data into HTML
91 html_flags := 0
92 if xhtml {
93 html_flags |= blackfriday.HTML_USE_XHTML
94 }
95 if smartypants {
96 html_flags |= blackfriday.HTML_USE_SMARTYPANTS
97 html_flags |= blackfriday.HTML_SMARTYPANTS_FRACTIONS
98 html_flags |= blackfriday.HTML_SMARTYPANTS_LATEX_DASHES
99 }
100 renderer = blackfriday.HtmlRenderer(html_flags)
101 }
103 // parse and render
104 var output []byte
105 for i := 0; i < repeat; i++ {
106 output = blackfriday.Markdown(input, renderer, extensions)
107 }
109 // output the result
110 var out *os.File
111 if len(args) == 2 {
112 if out, err = os.Create(args[1]); err != nil {
113 fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Error creating %s: %v", args[1], err)
114 os.Exit(-1)
115 }
116 defer out.Close()
117 } else {
118 out = os.Stdout
119 }
121 if page {
122 ending := ""
123 if xhtml {
124 fmt.Fprint(out, "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" ")
125 fmt.Fprintln(out, "\"http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd\">")
126 fmt.Fprintln(out, "<html xmlns=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml\">")
127 ending = " /"
128 } else {
129 fmt.Fprint(out, "<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\" ")
130 fmt.Fprintln(out, "\"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd\">")
131 fmt.Fprintln(out, "<html>")
132 }
133 fmt.Fprintln(out, "<head>")
134 fmt.Fprintln(out, " <title></title>")
135 fmt.Fprintf(out, " <meta name=\"GENERATOR\" content=\"Blackfriday markdown processor\"%s>\n", ending)
136 fmt.Fprintf(out, " <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\"%s>\n", ending)
137 if css != "" {
138 fmt.Fprintf(out, " <link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"%s\" />\n", css)
139 }
140 fmt.Fprintln(out, "</head>")
141 fmt.Fprintln(out, "<body>")
142 }
143 if _, err = out.Write(output); err != nil {
144 fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Error writing output:", err)
145 os.Exit(-1)
146 }
147 if page {
148 fmt.Fprintln(out, "</body>")
149 fmt.Fprintln(out, "</html>")
150 }