views/account.html (view raw)
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{{ template "header.html" . }} <main> <div class="info"> <p>account - <a href="/logout?CSRF={{ .LogoutCSRF }}">logout</a> <p>username: {{ .User.Name }} <div> <form id="aboutform" action="/saveuser" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="CSRF" value="{{ .UserCSRF }}"> <p>about me: <p><textarea name="whatabout">{{ .WhatAbout }}</textarea> <p><label class="button" for="skinny">skinny layout:</label> <input tabindex=1 type="checkbox" id="skinny" name="skinny" value="skinny" {{ if .User.Options.SkinnyCSS }}checked{{ end }}><span></span> <p><label class="button" for="omitimages">omit images:</label> <input tabindex=1 type="checkbox" id="omitimages" name="omitimages" value="omitimages" {{ if .User.Options.OmitImages }}checked{{ end }}><span></span> <p><label class="button" for="mentionall">mention all:</label> <input tabindex=1 type="checkbox" id="mentionall" name="mentionall" value="mentionall" {{ if .User.Options.MentionAll }}checked{{ end }}><span></span> <p><label class="button" for="maps">apple map links:</label> <input tabindex=1 type="checkbox" id="maps" name="maps" value="apple" {{ if eq "apple" .User.Options.MapLink }}checked{{ end }}><span></span> <p><label class="button" for="reaction">reaction:</label> <select tabindex=1 name="reaction"> <option {{ and (eq .User.Options.Reaction "none") "selected" }}>none</option> <option {{ and (eq .User.Options.Reaction "\U0001F61E") "selected" }}>{{ "\U0001F61E" }}</option> <option {{ and (eq .User.Options.Reaction "\U0001F937") "selected" }}>{{ "\U0001F937" }}</option> <option {{ and (eq .User.Options.Reaction "\U0001F648") "selected" }}>{{ "\U0001F648" }}</option> <option {{ and (eq .User.Options.Reaction "\U0001F9BE") "selected" }}>{{ "\U0001F9BE" }}</option> <option {{ and (eq .User.Options.Reaction "\U0001F346") "selected" }}>{{ "\U0001F346" }}</option> <option {{ and (eq .User.Options.Reaction "\U0001F351") "selected" }}>{{ "\U0001F351" }}</option> <option {{ and (eq .User.Options.Reaction "\U0001F32E") "selected" }}>{{ "\U0001F32E" }}</option> <option {{ and (eq .User.Options.Reaction "\U0001F951") "selected" }}>{{ "\U0001F951" }}</option> <option {{ and (eq .User.Options.Reaction "\U0001F5FF") "selected" }}>{{ "\U0001F5FF" }}</option> <option {{ and (eq .User.Options.Reaction "\U0001F99A") "selected" }}>{{ "\U0001F99A" }}</option> <option {{ and (eq .User.Options.Reaction "\U0001F3BB") "selected" }}>{{ "\U0001F3BB" }}</option> <option {{ and (eq .User.Options.Reaction "\U0001FA93") "selected" }}>{{ "\U0001FA93" }}</option> <option {{ and (eq .User.Options.Reaction "\U0001F1EB") "selected" }}>{{ "\U0001F1EB" }}</option> <option {{ and (eq .User.Options.Reaction "\U0001F1FD") "selected" }}>{{ "\U0001F1FD" }}</option> </select> <p><button>update settings</button> </form> </div> <hr> <div> <form action="/chpass" method="POST"> <input type="hidden" name="CSRF" value="{{ .LogoutCSRF }}"> <p>change password <p><input tabindex=1 type="password" name="oldpass"> - oldpass <p><input tabindex=1 type="password" name="newpass"> - newpass <p><button>change</button> </form> </div> </main> |