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--- template: slug: mastodon-to-pleroma title: Migrating from Mastodon to Pleroma subtitle: Mastodon bad. Pleroma good. date: 2020-09-04 --- If you've been following me on the fediverse, you would've witnessed my numerous (failed) attempts at migrating from Mastodon to Pleroma, running on my Raspberry Pi. I finally got it working, and these are the steps I took. It's sort of a loose guide you could follow, but I can't promise it'll work for you. The Erlang and Elixir packages are pretty broken and outdated on Raspbian. So this time, I built them from source.[^1][^2] I also assume you have Mastodon and Pleroma (source, not OTP) installed -- probably at `/home/mastodon/live` and `/opt/pleroma`, respectively. Once you have Erlang and Elixir compiled and sitting in your `PATH`, pull [soapbox-pub/migrator]( Now read the readme and the `` script to get an idea of what you're getting into. Move into the cloned directory and create a `.env`: ```shell MASTODON_PATH=/home/mastodon/live PLEROMA_PATH=/opt/pleroma ``` Then, run: ```console $ yarn # install deps $ cp -r mastodon/* /home/mastodon/live $ cp -r pleroma/* /opt/pleroma $ RAILS_ENV=production yarn masto export ``` If you run into any permissions issues, `chown` and proceed. This should export all your Mastodon activity into `/home/mastodon/live/migrator`. Now, copy the `migrator` directory into your Pleroma installation path. ```console $ cp -r migrator /opt/pleroma ``` You can then import all of it into Pleroma (possibly prefixed with `sudo -Hu pleroma`): ```console $ MIX_ENV=prod mix migrator.import ``` If all went well, you would've successfully migrated from Mastodon to Pleroma. If not, well feel free to send me an email (or @ me on the fedi). I suppose you could also reach [Alex]( -- he's the incredibly based guy who wrote the migrator, [soapbox-fe]( and does some Elixir magic he keeps [posting about]( Rest assured, the migrator has a 100% success rate -- Alex and I are apparently the only two who have it working. 2/2. ## why should you migrate? Because Pleroma is cleaner, leaner[^3] and prettier looking[^4]. Oh, and we have chats.  [^1]: [Erlang install guide]( [^2]: [Elixir install guide]( [^3]: Mastodon used about ~2.5 GB out of the 4 I have on my Pi. With Pleroma, the total used RAM is only about ~700 MB. That's crazy! [^4]: ...with Soapbox. :^) |