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--- template: slug: bujo title: The quest to optimize productivity subtitle: This blog is devolving into a techbro cliché date: 2021-11-04 --- Us folks in tech have this general obsession with productivity. It's all about getting the workflow _just right_. Or at least, that's the goal. Heck, there are entire companies built around optimizing productivity in specific workflows -- email, notes, tasks, etc. Suffice to say, there's a lot of activity in this space. I've heard reports of varying degrees of success with these tools, from "OMG it like, totally changed how I take notes!", to "I'm not sure it's worth paying $30 per month for a mail client" (yeah, you know the one)[^1]. However, I will never use these tools. Primarily because I don't trust them -- I don't trust them with my data; more importantly, I don't trust them to exist long enough before they decide to thank me for their incredible journey and "sunset" their product. [^1]: In case you didn't, I'm talking about Superhuman. That said, I wasn't entirely opposed to digital solutions. I tried a method called the OBTF, or the One Big Text File. It's what it says on the tin: a single text file to manage everything -- tasks, email, meetings, notes, habit tracking, etc. Its effectiveness relies on your text editor's ability to search for things. I even came up with my own "syntax" to help accelerate finding relevant bits. It looked like so: ``` wed, 03 nov some task here // DONE another task here a note here meet foo @ 12:30 // CANCELLED ``` I don't exactly recall why I stopped doing it, but I did. Maybe because I tried to do way too many things all at once. It also meant I needed to be at my computer to update tasks -- some of which were offline/IRL. Yeah, you can see where this is going. You probably guessed it from the post slug. That's right -- bullet journaling. Well, sort of -- let me explain. The [bullet journal method]( is a somewhat involved process. I recommend watching the video since I'm going to skip explaining how bullet journaling works. The method I use draws inspiration from bullet journaling -- but just mostly the task symbols and daily/weekly logs. These are the symbols I use: - `•` is a new task - `×` is a completed task - `>` is a task that's been carried forward - `~strikethrough~` is a cancelled task - `-` represents a note And somewhat less commonly, `⊙` (a circled dot) to scribble a small note pertaining to that task, i.e. reason for cancellation, delegation, etc. Tasks are sometimes broken down into further subtasks represented as a checkbox `□`. Ticking off a checkbox feels great. Tasks are grouped under a weekly list, running from Monday to Sunday. I had previously done daily lists, but that... didn't really work out. Here's what happened: ``` mon, 01 nov > long task here × something else tue, 02 nov > long task here wed, 03 nov > long task here ... ``` See the problem? Most often, my tasks tend to span an entire week. While I could theoretically break it down into subtasks, stuff like "Write an RFC for Foo Service" are just that. It's a big task, and I can't really break it down. Hence, the running weekly log. I can't go without posting what it actually looks like in my notebook; so here, have a FOIA-declassified-looking picture of my bullet journal.  This was when I first attempted the weekly log. Evidently, I struggled to compute dates accurately. And yes, "rice acme" was a task -- one that I promptly completed, I'll have you know. I use a pencil to write. There's no real reason for it, but I started the book with a pencil and I plan to continue with it until I finsh this notebook -- there's still about half of it left. I plan to cop a dotgrid notebook for my next one, and start using a pen.  At first I was sceptical. I didn't think I'd stick to it. But hey, looks like I did. I've been using my bullet journal spinoff method to great success for the past 6-odd months. Have I become more productive? I don't know, but I can confidently state that my head has become "lighter". I no longer have to _remember_ tasks; I can simply offload them to my journal. I think the key to making it work was the realization that it's not "perfect". I put perfect in quotes because I had this notion of an all-in-one, flawless productivity tool that'll take care of everything, from anywhere. I then embraced the fact that some tasks don't really need noting down and it's ok to _not follow the rules_. I guess what I'm trying to say is -- don't force it; use the journal loosely. No self-help-productivity-bullshit-post is complete without a list of tips, so here it is: - Make it your own. Don't attempt to shoehorn someone else's solution. - Don't try to manage everything -- that hardly ever works. - Don't over optimize. Task states don't need 20 different symbols. Keep it simple. - It doesn't have to be an art project[^2]. I know mine isn't. Keep it functional. [^2]: I'm looking at you, [r/bulletjournal]( Okay, this self-help-productivity-bullshit-post is now complete. |