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51 <h4><a href="https://k1ss.org/blog/20200525a">25/05/2020: This month in KISS (#2)</a></h4>
52 <p>Welcome to the second monthly update for KISS. This post will be
53quite a long one, we've seen some nice changes this month and some
54great work by the Community.…</p>
56 <p>via <a href="https://k1ss.org">KISS Linux Blog</a> on May 25, 2020</p>
57 </div>
60 <div class="openring-feed">
61 <h4><a href="https://gru.gq/2020/05/29/modern-mass-media-and-info-war/">Modern Mass Media and Info War</a></h4>
62 <p>This is fascinating… the 3rd largest media company, after Disney and Warner, is The Soul Publishing, and they’re pure online only. They produce dedicated content designed for Facebook and YouTube algorithms. Why is that interesting? Well, for one, their co…</p>
64 <p>via <a href="https://gru.gq">grugq’s domain</a> on May 29, 2020</p>
65 </div>
68 <div class="openring-feed">
69 <h4><a href="https://peppe.rs/posts/auto-currying_rust_functions/">Auto-currying Rust Functions</a></h4>
70 <p>This post contains a gentle introduction to procedural macros in Rust and a guide to writing a procedural macro to curry Rust functions. The source code for the entire library can be found here. It is also available on crates.io.
71The following links might …</p>
73 <p>via <a href="https://peppe.rs">nerdypepper's μblog</a> on May 09, 2020</p>
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