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51 <h4><a href="https://drewdevault.com/2020/08/01/pkg-go-dev-sucks.html">pkg.go.dev is more concerned with Google's interests than good engineering</a></h4>
52 <p>pkg.go.dev sucks. It’s certainly prettier than godoc.org, but under the
53covers, it’s a failure of engineering characteristic of the Google approach.
55Go is a pretty good programming language. I have long held that this is not
56attributable to Google’s stewa…</p>
58 <p>via <a href="https://drewdevault.com">Drew DeVault's Blog</a> on Aug 01, 2020</p>
59 </div>
62 <div class="openring-feed">
63 <h4><a href="https://gru.gq/2020/07/17/propaganda-harder-than-it-looks/">Propaganda, harder than it looks</a></h4>
64 <p>A poor effort at “black propaganda” The success or failure of black propaganda depends on the receiver’s willingness to accept the credibility of the source and the content of the message. Care has to be taken to place the sources and messages within a soc…</p>
66 <p>via <a href="https://gru.gq">grugq’s domain</a> on Jul 17, 2020</p>
67 </div>
70 <div class="openring-feed">
71 <h4><a href="https://peppe.rs/posts/gripes_with_go/">Gripes With Go</a></h4>
72 <p>You’ve read a lot of posts about the shortcomings of the Go programming language, so what’s one more.
74Lack of sum types
75Type assertions
76Date and Time
77Statements over Expressions
78Erroring out on unused variables
79Error handling
81Lack of Sum types
82A “Sum” ty…</p>
84 <p>via <a href="https://peppe.rs">nerdypepper's μblog</a> on Aug 01, 2020</p>
85 </div>
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