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build/blog/2019-10-17/index.html (view raw)

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 22  <title>
 23    Status update
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 38      <code>2019-10-16</code>
 39      <h1>Status update</h1>
 40      <h2>Not weekly anymore, but was it ever?</h2>
 41      <p>I&#8217;ve decided to drop the &#8220;Weekly&#8221; part of the status update posts, since
 42they were never weekly and&#8212;let&#8217;s be honest&#8212;they aren&#8217;t going to be.
 43These posts are, henceforth, just &#8220;Status updates&#8221;. The date range can
 44be inferred from the post date.</p>
 46<p>That said, here&#8217;s what I&#8217;ve been up to!</p>
 48<h3 id="void-linux">Void Linux</h3>
 50<p>Yes, I decided to ditch Alpine in favor of Void. Alpine was great,
 51really. The very comfy <code>apk</code>, ultra mnml system&#8230; but having to
 52maintain a chroot for my glibc needs was getting way too painful. And
 53the package updates are so slow! Heck, they&#8217;re still on kernel 4.xx on
 54their supposed &#8220;bleeding&#8221; <code>edge</code> repo.</p>
 56<p>So yes, Void Linux it is. Still a very clean system. I&#8217;m loving it.
 57I also undervolted my system using <a href=""><code>undervolt</code></a>
 58(-95 mV). Can&#8217;t say for sure if there&#8217;s a noticeable difference in
 59battery life though. I&#8217;ll see if I can run some tests.</p>
 61<p>This <em>should</em> be the end of my distro hopping. Hopefully.</p>
 63<h3 id="pycon">PyCon</h3>
 65<p>Yeah yeah, enough already. Read <a href="/blog/pycon-wrap-up">my previous post</a>.</p>
 67<h3 id="this-website">This website</h3>
 69<p>I&#8217;ve moved out of GitHub Pages over to Netlify. This isn&#8217;t my first time
 70using Netlify, though. I used to host my old blog which ran Hugo, there.
 71I was tired of doing this terrible hack to maintain a single repo for
 72both my source (<code>master</code>) and deploy (<code>gh-pages</code>). In essence, here&#8217;s
 73what I did:</p>
 75<div class="codehilite"><pre><span></span><code><span class="ch">#!/usr/bin/env bash</span>
 77git push origin master
 78<span class="c1"># push contents of `build/` to the `gh-pages` branch</span>
 79git subtree push --prefix build origin gh-pages
 82<p>I can now simply push to <code>master</code>, and Netlify generates a build for me
 83by installing <a href="">vite</a>, and running <code>vite
 84build</code>. Very pleasant.</p>
 86<h3 id="mnmlwms-status"><code>mnmlwm</code>&#8217;s status</h3>
 88<p><a href="">mnmlwm</a>, for those unaware, is my pet project which aims to be a simple
 89window manager written in Nim. I&#8217;d taken a break from it for a while
 90because Xlib is such a pain to work with (or I&#8217;m just dense). Anyway,
 91I&#8217;m planning on getting back to it, with some fresh inspiration from
 92Dylan Araps&#8217; <a href="">sowm</a>.</p>
 94<h3 id="other">Other</h3>
 96<p>I&#8217;ve been reading a lot of manga lately. Finished <em>Kekkon Yubiwa
 97Monogatari</em> (till the latest chapter) and <em>Another</em>, and I&#8217;ve just
 98started <em>Kakegurui</em>. I&#8217;ll reserve my opinions for when I update the
 99<a href="/reading">reading log</a>.</p>
101<p>That&#8217;s about it, and I&#8217;ll see you &#8211; definitely not next week.</p>
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