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--- template: slug: nvim-lua title: Configuring Neovim using Lua subtitle: And switching from init.vim to init.lua date: 2021-02-07 --- If you, like me, never really understood Vimscript and hate the language with a passion, you're in the right place! You can now get rid of Vimscript wholesale and replace it with a simpler, faster and elegant-er language -- Lua! _However_, this is only possible from Neovim 0.5 onwards[^1] and as of now, requires you to install Neovim from HEAD. How to do that is left as an exercise to the reader. Also bear in mind that the Lua API is fairly beta right now, and many Vim things don't have direct interfaces. [^1]: So assuming you're now running Neovim `master`, head over to `~/.config/nvim` and create your `init.lua`. Why, yes, we're porting over your `init.vim` to `init.lua` right now! Clear your calendar for the next few hours -- bikeshedding your text editor is top priority! I also recommend going through [nanotee/nvim-lua-guide]( and [Learn Lua in Y minutes]( before starting off. ## the directory structure Lua files are typically under `~/.config/nvim/lua`, and can be loaded as Lua modules. This is incredibly powerful -- you can structure your configs however you like. ```console $ tree .config/nvim . |-- ftplugin | `-- ... |-- init.lua |-- lua | |-- maps.lua | |-- settings.lua | |-- statusline.lua | `-- utils.lua `-- plugin `-- ... ``` The common approach is to have different bits of your config in Lua files under `lua/` and `require`'d in your `init.lua`, so something like: ```lua -- init.lua require('settings') -- lua/settings.lua require('maps') -- lua/maps.lua require('statusline') -- lua/statusline.lua ``` ## the basics: setting options Vim has 3 kinds of options -- global, buffer-local and window-local. In Vimscript, you'd just `set` these. In Lua, however, you will have to use one of - `vim.api.nvim_set_option()` -- global options - `vim.api.nvim_buf_set_option()` -- buffer-local options - `vim.api.nvim_win_set_option()` -- window-local options These are fairly verbose and very clunky, but fortunately for us, we have "meta-accesors" for these: `vim.{o,wo,bo}`. Here's an excerpt from my `settings.lua` as an example: ```lua local o = vim.o local wo = vim.wo local bo = -- global options o.swapfile = true o.dir = '/tmp' o.smartcase = true o.laststatus = 2 o.hlsearch = true o.incsearch = true o.ignorecase = true o.scrolloff = 12 -- ... snip ... -- window-local options wo.number = false wo.wrap = false -- buffer-local options bo.expandtab = true ``` If you're not sure if an option is global, buffer or window-local, consult the Vim help! For example, `:h 'number'`: ``` 'number' 'nu' boolean (default off) local to window ``` Also note that you don't set the negation of an option to true, like `wo.nonumber = true`, you instead set `wo.number = false`. ## defining autocommands Unfortunately, autocommands in Vim don't have a Lua interface -- it is being worked on.[^2] Until then, you will have to use `vim.api.nvim_command()`, or the shorter `vim.cmd()`. I've defined a simple function that takes a Lua table of `autocmd`s as an argument, and creates an `augroup` for you. ```lua -- utils.lua local M = {} local cmd = vim.cmd function M.create_augroup(autocmds, name) cmd('augroup ' .. name) cmd('autocmd!') for _, autocmd in ipairs(autocmds) do cmd('autocmd ' .. table.concat(autocmd, ' ')) end cmd('augroup END') end return M -- settings.lua local cmd = vim.cmd local u = require('utils') u.create_augroup({ { 'BufRead,BufNewFile', '/tmp/nail-*', 'setlocal', 'ft=mail' }, { 'BufRead,BufNewFile', '*s-nail-*', 'setlocal', 'ft=mail' }, }, 'ftmail') cmd('au BufNewFile,BufRead * if &ft == "" | set ft=text | endif') ``` [^2]: ## defining keymaps Keymaps can be set via `vim.api.nvim_set_keymap()`. It takes 4 arguments: the mode for which the mapping will take effect, the key sequence, the command to execute and a table of options (`:h :map-arguments`). ```lua -- maps.lua local map = vim.api.nvim_set_keymap -- map the leader key map('n', '<Space>', '', {}) vim.g.mapleader = ' ' -- 'vim.g' sets global variables options = { noremap = true } map('n', '<leader><esc>', ':nohlsearch<cr>', options) map('n', '<leader>n', ':bnext<cr>', options) map('n', '<leader>p', ':bprev<cr>', options) ``` For user defined commands, you're going to have to go the `vim.cmd` route: ```lua local cmd = vim.cmd cmd(':command! WQ wq') cmd(':command! WQ wq') cmd(':command! Wq wq') cmd(':command! Wqa wqa') cmd(':command! W w') cmd(':command! Q q') ``` ## managing packages Naturally, you can't use your favourite Vimscript package manager anymore, or at least, not without `vim.api.nvim_exec`ing a bunch of Vimscript (ew!). Thankfully, there are a few pure-Lua plugin managers available to use[^3] -- I personally use, and recommend [paq]( It's light and makes use of the [`vim.loop`]( API for async I/O. paq's docs are plentiful, so I'll skip talking about how to set it up. [^3]: Also see: [packer.nvim]( ## bonus: writing your own statusline Imagine using a bloated, third-party statusline, when you can just write your own.[^4] It's actually quite simple! Start by defining a table for every mode: [^4]: This meme was made by NIH gang. ```lua -- statusline.lua local mode_map = { ['n'] = 'normal ', ['no'] = 'n·operator pending ', ['v'] = 'visual ', ['V'] = 'v·line ', [''] = 'v·block ', ['s'] = 'select ', ['S'] = 's·line ', [''] = 's·block ', ['i'] = 'insert ', ['R'] = 'replace ', ['Rv'] = 'v·replace ', ['c'] = 'command ', ['cv'] = 'vim ex ', ['ce'] = 'ex ', ['r'] = 'prompt ', ['rm'] = 'more ', ['r?'] = 'confirm ', ['!'] = 'shell ', ['t'] = 'terminal ' } ``` The idea is to get the current mode from `vim.api.nvim_get_mode()` and map it to our desired text. Let's wrap that around in a small `mode()` function: ```lua -- statusline.lua local function mode() local m = vim.api.nvim_get_mode().mode if mode_map[m] == nil then return m end return mode_map[m] end ``` Now, set up your highlights. Again, there isn't any interface for highlights yet, so whip out that `vim.api.nvim_exec()`. ```lua -- statusline.lua vim.api.nvim_exec( [[ hi PrimaryBlock ctermfg=06 ctermbg=00 hi SecondaryBlock ctermfg=08 ctermbg=00 hi Blanks ctermfg=07 ctermbg=00 ]], false) ``` Create a new table to represent the entire statusline itself. You can add any other functions you want (like one that returns the current git branch, for instance). Read `:h 'statusline'` if you don't understand what's going on here. ```lua -- statusline.lua local stl = { '%#PrimaryBlock#', mode(), '%#SecondaryBlock#', '%#Blanks#', '%f', '%m', '%=', '%#SecondaryBlock#', '%l,%c ', '%#PrimaryBlock#', '%{&filetype}', } ``` Finally, with the power of `table.concat()`, set your statusline. This is akin to doing a series of string concatenations, but way faster. ```lua -- statusline.lua vim.o.statusline = table.concat(stl) ```  ## this is what being tpope feels like You can now write that plugin you always wished for! I sat down to write a plugin for [fzy]([^5], which you can find [here]( along with my entire Neovim config[^6]. I plan to port a the last of my `plugin/` directory over to Lua, soon™. And it's only going to get better when the Lua API is completed. We can all be Vim plugin artists now. [^5]: A less bloated alternative to fzf, written in C. [^6]: [GitHub link]( -- if you're into that sort of thing. |