drafts/wiki/tools/laptop.md (view raw)
2title: laptop
3url: laptop
4subtitle: My personal machine.
5date: 2021-03-22
6template: page.html
9![the HP Envy 13](https://x.icyphox.sh/iyvxg.jpg)
11The HP Envy 13 has been my personal computer for what will be its 4th
12year now. It sports an i5 8250u, 8 gigs of RAM, a 256GB SSD and a
13comfortable 13.3" FHD screen. It's light and portable.
15Arguably, the best part about this device is its compatibility with
16Linux and OpenBSD. Literally everything works out-of-the-box. It shares
17very similar specs with the XPS 13, which might explain it.
19Stickers of note:
21- GPL and GNU (top left): Got them at a talk RMS was giving at RVCE,
22 Bangalore.
23- RUN BSD (top right): A kind OpenBSD user on Twitter shipped them over
24 to me, free of charge, from the Netherlands.
25- Tor (top middle and right): Got them from Tor project member
26 [@kushaldas](https://toots.dgplug.org/@kushal).
27- r00t (all over): Some Twitter giveaway.