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A few things

Signed-off-by: Anirudh Oppiliappan <>
Anirudh Oppiliappan
Wed, 15 Jan 2020 19:27:57 +0000




4 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 158 deletions(-)

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M 2bwm/config.h2bwm/config.h

@@ -221,19 +221,10 @@ DESKTOPCHANGE( XK_2, 1)

DESKTOPCHANGE( XK_3, 2) DESKTOPCHANGE( XK_4, 3) DESKTOPCHANGE( XK_5, 4) - DESKTOPCHANGE( XK_6, 5) - DESKTOPCHANGE( XK_7, 6) - DESKTOPCHANGE( XK_8, 7) - DESKTOPCHANGE( XK_9, 8) - DESKTOPCHANGE( XK_0, 9) }; // the last argument makes it a root window only event static Button buttons[] = { { MOD ,XCB_BUTTON_INDEX_1, mousemotion, {.i=TWOBWM_MOVE}, false}, { MOD ,XCB_BUTTON_INDEX_3, mousemotion, {.i=TWOBWM_RESIZE}, false}, - { MOD|SHIFT, XCB_BUTTON_INDEX_1, changeworkspace, {.i=0}, false}, - { MOD|SHIFT, XCB_BUTTON_INDEX_3, changeworkspace, {.i=1}, false}, - { MOD|ALT, XCB_BUTTON_INDEX_1, changescreen, {.i=1}, false}, - { MOD|ALT, XCB_BUTTON_INDEX_3, changescreen, {.i=0}, false} - { MOD } + { MOD ,XCB_BUTTON_INDEX_1, raisewindow, {.i=TWOBWM_RESIZE}, false} };
M config/compton.confconfig/compton.conf

@@ -1,153 +1,21 @@

backend = "xrender"; glx-no-stencil = true; glx-copy-from-front = false; -glx-swap-method = "undefined"; + # rounded corners -corner-radius = 6; -################################# -# -# Shadows -# -################################# +corner-radius = 5; -# Enabled client-side shadows on windows. shadow = true; -# Don't draw shadows on DND windows. -no-dnd-shadow = true; -# Avoid drawing shadows on dock/panel windows. -no-dock-shadow = true; -# Zero the part of the shadow's mask behind the window. Fix some weirdness with ARGB windows. shadow-radius = 60; -shadow-opacity = 0.4; +shadow-opacity = 0.25; shadow-offset-x = -60; -shadow-offset-y = -60; -clear-shadow = false; -#shadow-exclude = [ -# "! name~=''", -# "name = 'Notification'", -# "name = 'Plank'", -# "name = 'Docky'", -# "name = 'Kupfer'", -# "name = 'xfce4-notifyd'", -# "name *= 'VLC'", -# "name *= 'compton'", -# "name *= 'Firefox'", -# "name *= 'Chrome'", -# "class_g = 'Conky'", -# "class_g = 'Kupfer'", -# "class_g = 'Synapse'", -# "class_g ?= 'Notify-osd'", -# "class_g ?= 'Cairo-dock'", -# "class_g ?= 'Xfce4-notifyd'", -# "class_g ?= 'Xfce4-power-manager'", -# "_GTK_FRAME_EXTENTS@:c" -#]; -# Avoid drawing shadow on all shaped windows (see also: --detect-rounded-corners) +shadow-offset-y = -25; -shadow-ignore-shaped = false; - -################################# -# -# Opacity -# -################################# - -menu-opacity = 1; -inactive-opacity = 1; -active-opacity = 1; -frame-opacity = 1; -inactive-opacity-override = false; -alpha-step = 0.06; -blur-background = true; -blur-background-fixed = false; -blur-background-exclude = [ +shadow-exclude = [ "window_type = 'dock'", - "window_type = 'desktop'" -]; - -################################# -# -# Fading -# -################################# - -# Fade windows during opacity changes. -fading = false; -# The time between steps in a fade in milliseconds. (default 10). -fade-delta = 2; -# Opacity change between steps while fading in. (default 0.028). -fade-in-step = 0.03; -# Opacity change between steps while fading out. (default 0.03). -fade-out-step = 0.03; -# Fade windows in/out when opening/closing -# no-fading-openclose = true; - -# Specify a list of conditions of windows that should not be faded. -fade-exclude = [ ]; - -################################# -# -# Other -# -################################# - -# Try to detect WM windows and mark them as active. -mark-wmwin-focused = true; -# Mark all non-WM but override-redirect windows active (e.g. menus). -mark-ovredir-focused = true; -# Use EWMH _NET_WM_ACTIVE_WINDOW to determine which window is focused instead of using FocusIn/Out events. -# Usually more reliable but depends on a EWMH-compliant WM. -use-ewmh-active-win = true; -# Detect rounded corners and treat them as rectangular when --shadow-ignore-shaped is on. -detect-rounded-corners = true; - -# Detect _NET_WM_OPACITY on client windows, useful for window managers not passing _NET_WM_OPACITY of client windows to frame windows. -# This prevents opacity being ignored for some apps. -# For example without this enabled my xfce4-notifyd is 100% opacity no matter what. -detect-client-opacity = true; -opacity-rule = [ - "0:_NET_WM_STATE@:32a *= '_NET_WM_STATE_HIDDEN'" -]; -# Specify refresh rate of the screen. -# If not specified or 0, compton will try detecting this with X RandR extension. -refresh-rate = 0; - -vsync = "opengl-swc"; -dbe = false; -paint-on-overlay = true; -sw-opti = true; - -# Unredirect all windows if a full-screen opaque window is detected, to maximize performance for full-screen windows, like games. -# Known to cause flickering when redirecting/unredirecting windows. -# paint-on-overlay may make the flickering less obvious. -unredir-if-possible = true; - -# Specify a list of conditions of windows that should always be considered focused. -focus-exclude = [ ]; - -# Use WM_TRANSIENT_FOR to group windows, and consider windows in the same group focused at the same time. -detect-transient = true; -# Use WM_CLIENT_LEADER to group windows, and consider windows in the same group focused at the same time. -# WM_TRANSIENT_FOR has higher priority if --detect-transient is enabled, too. -detect-client-leader = true; - -################################# -# -# Window type settings -# -################################# - -wintypes: -{ - tooltip = - { - # fade: Fade the particular type of windows. - fade = true; - # shadow: Give those windows shadow - shadow = false; - # opacity: Default opacity for the type of windows. - opacity = 0.85; - # focus: Whether to always consider windows of this type focused. - focus = true; - }; -}; + "window_type = 'desktop'", + "window_type = 'dnd'", + "window_type *= 'menu'", + "window_type = 'utility'", +] +shadow-ignore-shaped = false;
M weechat/weechat.confweechat/weechat.conf

@@ -384,14 +384,15 @@ default.buffer = "core;weechat;1"

default.buffer = "irc;server.freenode;1" default.buffer = "irc;server.rizon;1" default.buffer = "irc;rizon.#code;2" -default.buffer = "irc;rizon.#crimson;3" -default.buffer = "irc;freenode.##security;4" +default.buffer = "irc;freenode.##security;3" +default.buffer = "irc;rizon.#crimson;4" default.buffer = "irc;rizon.#rice;5" default.buffer = "irc;rizon.#bullshit;6" default.buffer = "irc;rizon.#homescreen;7" default.buffer = "irc;freenode.#lobsters;8" default.buffer = "irc;freenode.#kisslinux;9" -default.buffer = "irc;freenode.silipwn;10" +default.buffer = "irc;rizon.wednesday;10" +default.buffer = "irc;rizon.noise;11" default.window = "1;0;0;0;irc;rizon.Carp" default.current = on
M x/.xinitrcx/.xinitrc

@@ -8,11 +8,12 @@ #(_)_/\_\_|_| |_|_|\__|_| \___|

# setxkbmap -option 'grp:alt_shift_toggle' -layout us,ru -option 'compose:caps' -#devmon & ~/.fehbg & eval "$(gpg-agent --daemon --enable-ssh-support --write-env-file "${HOME}/.gpg-agent-info")" sxhkd & xrdb -l ~/.Xresources st & +date -s "$(date -u -I) $(date -u +%H:%M:%S)" compton & -exec ~/leet/2bwm/2bwm +xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr +exec 2bwm