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my *nix dotfiles

bash: fix fzy reverse search
Anirudh Oppiliappan
Wed, 01 Nov 2023 20:54:39 +0200




4 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 192 deletions(-)

jump to
M nix/flake.locknix/flake.lock

@@ -21,104 +21,6 @@ "repo": "nix-darwin",

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@@ -202,22 +58,6 @@ }

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@@ -256,25 +96,9 @@ "root": {

"inputs": { "darwin": "darwin", "home-manager": "home-manager", - "neovim": "neovim", "nixos-hardware": "nixos-hardware", - "nixpkgs": "nixpkgs_2", + "nixpkgs": "nixpkgs", "prompt": "prompt" - } - }, - "systems": { - "locked": { - "lastModified": 1681028828, - "narHash": "sha256-Vy1rq5AaRuLzOxct8nz4T6wlgyUR7zLU309k9mBC768=", - "owner": "nix-systems", - "repo": "default", - "rev": "da67096a3b9bf56a91d16901293e51ba5b49a27e", - "type": "github" - }, - "original": { - "owner": "nix-systems", - "repo": "default", - "type": "github" } } },
M nix/flake.nixnix/flake.nix

@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@ url = "github:nix-community/home-manager";

inputs.nixpkgs.follows = "nixpkgs"; }; - neovim.url = "github:nix-community/neovim-nightly-overlay"; darwin = { url = "github:lnl7/nix-darwin/master";

@@ -29,14 +28,12 @@ { self

, nixpkgs , nixos-hardware , home-manager - , neovim , prompt , darwin , ... } @ inputs: { overlays = { - nvim-nightly = neovim.overlay; prompt = prompt.overlay; };
M nix/hosts/wyndle/configuration.nixnix/hosts/wyndle/configuration.nix

@@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ firefox.enablePlasmaBrowserIntegration = true;

}; nixpkgs.overlays = with self.overlays; [ - nvim-nightly prompt ];
M nix/programs/bash.nixnix/programs/bash.nix

@@ -91,22 +91,31 @@ }

''; initExtra = '' - # Ctrl+W kills word - stty werase undef + __fzy_history__() { + script='function P(b) { ++n; sub(/^[ *]/, "", b); if (!seen[b]++) { printf "%d\t%s%c", '$((BASH_REMATCH + 1))' - n, b, 0 } } + NR==1 { b = substr($0, 2); next } + /^\t/ { P(b); b = substr($0, 2); next } + { b = b RS $0 } + END { if (NR) P(b) }' - # fzy reverse search - __fzy_history() { - ch="$(fc -rl 1 | awk -F'\t' '{print $2}' | sort -u | fzy)" - : "''${ch#"''${ch%%[![:space:]]*}"}" - printf "$_" + + output=$( + set +o pipefail + builtin fc -lnr -2147483648 2> /dev/null | # ( $'\t '<lines>$'\n' )* ; <lines> ::= [^\n]* ( $'\n'<lines> )* + command awk "$script" | # ( <counter>$'\t'<lines>$'\000' )* + fzy --query "$READLINE_LINE" + ) || return + READLINE_LINE=''${output#*$'\t'} + if [[ -z "$READLINE_POINT" ]]; then + echo "$READLINE_LINE" + else + READLINE_POINT=0x7fffffff + fi } - bind -x '"\C-r": READLINE_LINE=$(__fzy_history); READLINE_POINT="''${#READLINE_LINE}"' + bind -m emacs-standard -x '"\C-r": __fzy_history__' complete -cf doas - - source <(kubectl completion bash) - complete -F __start_kubectl k ''; };