Switch to `##` instead of `###`
jump to
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ things I read, IRL stuff, etc.
With the meta stuff out of the way, here's what went down last week! -### My discovery of the XXIIVV webring +## My discovery of the XXIIVV webring Did you notice the new fidget-spinner-like logo at the bottom? Click it! It's a link to the [XXIIVV webring](https://webring.xxiivv.com). I really like the idea of webrings.@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ twtxt feed at `/twtxt.txt` (root of this site).
Which brings me to the next thing I did this/last week. -### `twsh`: a twtxt client written in Bash +## `twsh`: a twtxt client written in Bash I'm not a fan of the official Python client, because you know, Python is bloat. As an advocate of _mnmlsm_, I can't use it in good conscience. Thus, began my@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ authorship of a truly mnml client in pure Bash. You can find it [here](https://github.com/icyphox/twsh).
It's not entirely useable as of yet, but it's definitely getting there, with the help of [@nerdypepper](https://nerdypepper.me). -### Other +## Other I have been listening to my usual podcasts: Crime Junkie, True Crime Garage, Darknet Diaries & Off the Pill. To add to this list, I've begun binging Vice's CYBER.
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ It's a lazy Friday afternoon here; yet another off day this week thanks to my
uni's fest. My last "weekly" update was 10 days ago, and a lot has happened since then. Let's get right into it! -### My switch to Alpine +## My switch to Alpine Previously, I ran Debian with Buster/Sid repos, and ever since this happened@@ -39,21 +39,21 @@ soon. (hint: it involves chroots)
 -### Packaging for Alpine +## Packaging for Alpine On a related note, I've been busy packaging some of the stuff I use for Alpine -- you can see my personal [aports](https://github.com/icyphox/aports) repository if you're interested. I'm currently working on packaging Nim too, so keep an eye out for that in the coming week. -### Talk selection at PyCon India! +## Talk selection at PyCon India! Yes! My buddy Raghav ([@_vologue](https://twitter.com/_vologue)) and I are going to be speaking at PyCon India about our recent smart lock security research. The conference is happening in Chennai, much to our convenience. If you're attending too, hit me up on Twitter and we can hang! -### Other +## Other That essentially sums up the _technical_ stuff that I did. My Russian is going strong, my reading however, hasn't. I have _yet_ to finish those books! This
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ be inferred from the post date.
That said, here's what I've been up to! -### Void Linux +## Void Linux Yes, I decided to ditch Alpine in favor of Void. Alpine was great, really. The very comfy `apk`, ultra mnml system... but having to@@ -27,11 +27,11 @@ battery life though. I'll see if I can run some tests.
This _should_ be the end of my distro hopping. Hopefully. -### PyCon +## PyCon Yeah yeah, enough already. Read [my previous post](/blog/pycon-wrap-up). -### This website +## This website I've moved out of GitHub Pages over to Netlify. This isn't my first time using Netlify, though. I used to host my old blog which ran Hugo, there.@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ I can now simply push to `master`, and Netlify generates a build for me
by installing [vite](https://github.com/icyphox/vite), and running `vite build`. Very pleasant. -### `mnmlwm`'s status +## `mnmlwm`'s status [mnmlwm](https://github.com/minimalwm/minimal), for those unaware, is my pet project which aims to be a simple window manager written in Nim. I'd taken a break from it for a while@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ because Xlib is such a pain to work with (or I'm just dense). Anyway,
I'm planning on getting back to it, with some fresh inspiration from Dylan Araps' [sowm](https://github.com/dylanaraps/sowm). -### Other +## Other I've been reading a lot of manga lately. Finished _Kekkon Yubiwa Monogatari_ (till the latest chapter) and _Another_, and I've just
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ This month is mostly just unfun stuff, lined up in a neat schedule --
exams. I get all these cool ideas for things to do, and it's always during exams. Anyway, here's a quick update on what I've been up to. -### Blog post queue +## Blog post queue I realized that I could use this site's [repo](https://github.com/icyphox/site)'s issues to track blog post ideas.@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ This method of using issues is great, because readers can chime in with
ideas for things I could possibly discuss -- like in [this issue](https://github.com/icyphox/site/issues/10). -### Contemplating a `vite` rewrite +## Contemplating a `vite` rewrite [`vite`](https://github.com/icyphox/vite), despite what the name suggests -- is awfully slow. Also, Python is bloat.@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ Oh, and did I mention -- I want it to be compatible with `vite`.
I don't want to have to redo my site structure or its templates. At the moment, I rely on Jinja2 for templating, so I'll need something similar. -### IRC bot +## IRC bot My earlier post on [IRC for DMs](/blog/irc-for-dms) got quite a bit of traction, which was pretty cool. I didn't really talk much about the bot@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
That's it, really. I plan to add a `.nps`, or "now playing Spotify" command, since we share Spotify links pretty often. -### Other +## Other I've been reading some more manga, I'll update the [reading log](/reading) when I, well... get around to it. Haven't had time to do
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ the phone & the computer. Let's start with the phone. The daily carry.
The device that's on our person from when we get out of bed, till we get back in bed. -### The phone +## The phone I've read about a lot of methods people employ to curb their phone usage. Some have tried grouping "distracting" apps into a separate@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ tap the place where its icon used to exist (now replaced with my mail
client) on my launcher. The only "fun" thing left on my phone to do is read or listen to music. Which is okay, in my opinion. -### The computer +## The computer I didn't do anything too nutty here, and most of the minimalism is mostly aesthetic. I like UIs that get out of the way.
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
In order to break monotony, I will also be using the terms "information operation", or the shortened forms -- "info op" & "disinfo". -### Creating disinformation +## Creating disinformation Crafting or creating disinformation is by no means a trivial task. Often, the quality of any disinformation sample is a huge indicator of the level of sophistication of the@@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ <a href="https://twitter.com/thegrugq/status/1142759819020890113?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">June 23, 2019</a>
</blockquote> <script async src="https://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script> -### Motivations behind an information operation +## Motivations behind an information operation I like to broadly categorize any info op as either proactive or reactive. Proactively, disinformation is spread with the desire to influence the target@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ > this week linked to a video purportedly showing Hong Kong protesters using American-made grenade launchers to combat police.
> ... -### Media used to disperse disinfo +## Media used to disperse disinfo As seen in the above example of totalitarian governments, national TV and newspaper agencies play a key role in influence ops en masse. It guarantees outreach due to the channel/paper's@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ this is disinformation without a motive, or the motive is hard to determine simply because
the source is impossible to trace, lost in forwards.[^5] This is a difficult problem to combat, especially given the nature of the target audience. -### The actors behind disinfo campaigns +## The actors behind disinfo campaigns I doubt this requires further elaboration, but in short:@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ - trolls
This essentially sums up the what, why, how and who of disinformation. -### Personal OPSEC +## Personal OPSEC This is a fun one. Now, it's common knowledge that **STFU is the best policy**. But sometimes, this might not be possible, because@@ -143,7 +143,7 @@ And please, don't do this:
 -### Conclusion +## Conclusion The ability to influence someone's decisions/thought process in just one tweet is scary. There is no simple way to combat disinformation. Social media is hard to control.
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ ---
(*originally posted at [SecureLayer7's Blog](http://blog.securelayer7.net/fb50-smart-lock-vulnerability-disclosure), with my edits*) -### The lock +## The lock The lock in question is the FB50 smart lock, manufactured by Shenzhen Dragon Brother Technology Co. Ltd. This lock is sold under multiple brands@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@
We had two primary attack surfaces we decided to tackle — Bluetooth (BLE) and the Android app. -### Via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) +## Via Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Android phones have the ability to capture Bluetooth (HCI) traffic which can be enabled under Developer Options under Settings. We made@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
We attempted replaying these requests using `gattool` and `gattacker`, but that didn't pan out, since the value being written was encrypted.[^1] -### Via the Android app +## Via the Android app Reversing the app using `jd-gui`, `apktool` and `dex2jar` didn't get us too far since most of it was obfuscated. Why bother when there exists an@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
We captured and played around with a bunch of requests and responses, and finally arrived at a working exploit chain. -### The exploit +## The exploit The entire exploit is a 4 step process consisting of authenticated HTTP requests:@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ to the lock
This is what it looks like, in essence (personal info redacted). -#### Request 1 +### Request 1 ``` POST /oklock/lock/queryDevice@@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ "status":"2000"
} ``` -#### Request 2 +### Request 2 ``` POST /oklock/lock/getDeviceInfo@@ -126,14 +126,14 @@ "userId":<USER ID>
} ``` -#### Request 3 +### Request 3 ``` POST /oklock/lock/unbind {"lockId":"<LOCK ID>","userId":<USER ID>} ``` -#### Request 4 +### Request 4 ``` POST /oklock/lock/bind@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@
{"name":"newname","userId":<USER ID>,"mac":"XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX"} ``` -### That's it! (& the scary stuff) +## That's it! (& the scary stuff) You should have the lock transferred to your account. The severity of this issue lies in the fact that the original owner completely loses access to@@ -154,13 +154,13 @@ "garage", "MainDoor", etc.[^2] This is terrifying.
*shudders* -### Proof of Concept +## Proof of Concept [PoC Video](https://twitter.com/icyphox/status/1158396372778807296) [Exploit code](https://github.com/icyphox/pwnfb50) -### Disclosure timeline +## Disclosure timeline - **26th June, 2019**: Issue discovered at SecureLayer7, Pune - **27th June, 2019**: Vendor notified about the issue@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ - **2nd July, 2019**: CVE-2019-13143 reserved
- No response from vendor - **2nd August 2019**: Public disclosure -### Lessons learnt +## Lessons learnt **DO NOT**. Ever. Buy. A smart lock. You're better off with the "dumb" ones with keys. With the IoT plague spreading, it brings in a large attack surface@@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ Our existing threat models and scenarios have to be updated to factor
in these new exploitation possibilities. This also broadens the playing field for cyber warfare and mass surveillance campaigns. -### Researcher info +## Researcher info This research was done at [SecureLayer7](https://securelayer7.net), Pune, IN by:
@@ -11,7 +11,12 @@ <link>https://icyphox.sh/blog/</link>
</image> <language>en-us</language> <copyright>Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0</copyright> - <item><title>Save .ORG!</title><description><![CDATA[<p>The .ORG top-level domain introduced in 1985, has been operated by the + <item><title>Instagram OPSEC</title><description><![CDATA[<p>Which I am not, of course. But seeing as most of my peers are, I am +compelled to write this post. Using a social platform like Instagram +automatically implies that the user understands (to some level) that +their personally identifiable information is exposed to the public, or +a subset of the public.</p> +]]></description><link>https://icyphox.sh/blog/ig-opsec</link><pubDate>Mon, 02 Dec 2019 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate><guid>https://icyphox.sh/blog/ig-opsec</guid></item><item><title>Save .ORG!</title><description>< -### Update latest post on the index page +## Update latest post on the index page This pertains to this very blog that you're reading. I wanted a quick way to update the "latest post" section in the home page and the
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ episode a couple of days ago, and it highlighted some interesting issues that
intelligence organizations face when working with law enforcement. Side note: it's a pretty good show if you like police procedurals. -### The problem +## The problem Consider the following scenario:
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ [Nerdy](https://nerdypepper.me) and I decided to try and use IRC for our
daily communications, as opposed to non-free alternatives like WhatsApp or Telegram. This is an account of how that went. -### The status quo of instant messaging apps +## The status quo of instant messaging apps I've tried a _ton_ of messaging applications -- Signal, WhatsApp, Telegram, Wire, Jami (Ring), Matrix, Slack, Discord and more recently, DeltaChat.@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ practice. Email isn't instant, there's always a delay of give or take
5 to 10 seconds, if not more. This affects the flow of conversation. I might write a small blog post later, revewing DeltaChat.[^deltachat] -### Why IRC? +## Why IRC? It's free, in all senses of the word. A lot of others have done a great job of answering this question in further detail, this is by far my@@ -49,14 +49,14 @@ favourite:
https://drewdevault.com/2019/07/01/Absence-of-features-in-IRC.html -### Using IRC's private messages +## Using IRC's private messages This was the next obvious choice, but personal message buffers don't persist in ZNC and it's very annoying to have to do a `/query nerdypepper` (Weechat) or to search and message a user via Revolution IRC. The only unexplored option -- using a channel. -### Setting up a channel for DMs +## Setting up a channel for DMs A fairly easy process:@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ place. The source is [here](https://github.com/icyphox/detotated).
It is by no means "good code"; it breaks spectacularly from time to time. -### In conclusion +## In conclusion As the subtitle suggests, using IRC has been great. It's probably not for everyone though, but it fits my (and Nerdy's) usecase perfectly.
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ for a containerized solution, that most importantly, runs on my cheap $5
Digital Ocean VPS --- 1 vCPU and 1 GB memory. Of which only around 500 MB is actually available. So yeah, *pretty* tight. -### What's available +## What's available Turns out, there are quite a few of these OOTB, ready to deply solutions. These are the ones I came across:@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ nothing else on it. I can't afford to do that.
- [docker-mailserver](https://github.com/tomav/docker-mailserver/): **The winner**. -### So… `docker-mailserver` +## So… `docker-mailserver` The first thing that caught my eye in the README:@@ -113,10 +113,10 @@
With this done, you shouldn't have mail clients complaining about wonky certs for which you'll have to add an exception manually. -### Why would you…? +## Why would you…? There are a few good reasons for this: -#### Privacy +## Privacy No really, this is *the* best choice for truly private email. Not ProtonMail, not Tutanota. Sure, they claim so and I don't dispute it. Quoting Drew Devault[^3],@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ third-party.
This isn't an attempt to spread FUD. In the end, it all depends on your threat model™. -#### Decentralization +## Decentralization Email today is basically run by Google. Gmail has over 1.2 *billion* active users. That's obscene. Email was designed to be decentralized but big corps swooped in and@@ -140,7 +140,7 @@ Google reads your mail. This again loops back to my previous point, privacy.
Decentralization guarantees privacy. When you control your mail, you subsequently control who reads it. -#### Personalization +## Personalization Can't ignore this one. It's cool to have a custom email address to flex. `x@icyphox.sh` vs `gabe.newell4321@gmail.com`
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ subtitle: My daily drivers — hardware, software and workflow
date: 2019-05-13 --- -### Hardware +## Hardware The only computer I have with me is my [HP Envy 13 (2018)](https://store.hp.com/us/en/mdp/laptops/envy-13) (my model looks a little different). It’s a 13” ultrabook, with an i5 8250u, 8 gigs of RAM and a 256 GB NVMe SSD. It’s a very comfy machine that does everything I need it to.@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
For my music, I use the [Bose SoundLink II](https://www.boseindia.com/en_in/products/headphones/over_ear_headphones/soundlink-around-ear-wireless-headphones-ii.html). Great pair of headphones, although the ear cups need replacing. -### And the software +## And the software <del>My distro of choice for the past ~1 year has been [elementary OS](https://elementary.io). I used to be an Arch Linux elitist, complete with an esoteric window manager, all riced. I now use whatever JustWorks™.</del>
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ talks I enjoyed.
Forgive the lack of pictures -- I prefer living the moment through my eyes. -### Talks +## Talks So much ML! Not that it's a bad thing, but definitely interesting to note. From what I counted, there were about 17 talks tagged under "Data@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ - **Let's Hunt a Memory Leak** by [Sanket](https://twitter.com/sankeyplus)
- oh and of course, [David Beazley](https://twitter.com/dabeaz)'s closing keynote -### My talk (!!!) +## My talk (!!!) My good buddy [Raghav](https://twitter.com/_vologue) and I spoke about our smart lock security research. Agreed, it might have been less@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
I was reassured by folks after the talk that the silence during Q/A was the "good" kind of silence. Was it really? I'll never know. -### Some nice people I met +## Some nice people I met - [Abhirath](https://twitter.com/abhirathb) -- A 200 IQ lad. Talked to@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
And a lot of other people doing really great stuff, whose names I'm forgetting. -### Pictures! +## Pictures! It's not much, and I can't be bothered to format them like a collage or whatever, so I'll@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ 
  -### C'est tout +## C'est tout Overall, a great time and a weekend well spent. It was very different from your typical security conference -- a lot more _chill_, if you
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ While solving complex reversing challenges, we often use established tools like radare2 or IDA for disassembling and debugging. But there are times when you need to dig in a little deeper and understand how things work under the hood.
Rolling your own disassembly scripts can be immensely helpful when it comes to automating certain processes, and eventually build your own homebrew reversing toolchain of sorts. At least, that’s what I’m attempting anyway. -### Setup +## Setup As the title suggests, you’re going to need a Python 3 interpreter before anything else. Once you’ve confirmed beyond reasonable doubt that you do,@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ $ gcc chall.c -o chall.elf
``` -### Scripting +## Scripting For starters, let’s look at the different sections present in the binary.@@ -302,7 +302,7 @@ I’m not sure why it uses `puts` here? I might be missing something; perhaps `printf` calls `puts`. I could be wrong. I also confirmed with radare2 that those locations are actually the strings “haha yes!” and “nah dude”.
**Update**: It's because of compiler optimization. A `printf()` (in this case) is seen as a bit overkill, and hence gets simplified to a `puts()`. -### Conclusion +## Conclusion Wew, that took quite some time. But we’re done. If you’re a beginner, you might find this extremely confusing, or probably didn’t even understand what was going on. And that’s okay. Building an intuition for reading and grokking disassembly comes with practice. I’m no good at it either.
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ [Azeria’s](https://twitter.com/fox0x01) series on [ARM Assembly
Basics](https://azeria-labs.com/writing-arm-assembly-part-1/). Once you’re comfortable with it, proceed with the next bit — environment setup. -### Setup +## Setup Since we’re working with the ARM architecture, there are two options to go forth with:@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ ```
With that out of the way, here’s a quick run down of what ROP actually is. -### A primer on ROP +## A primer on ROP ROP or Return Oriented Programming is a modern exploitation technique that’s used to bypass protections like the **NX bit** (no-execute bit) and **code sigining**.@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@
Still don’t get it? Don’t fret, we’ll look at _actual_ exploit code in a bit and hopefully that should put things into perspective. -### Exploring our binary +## Exploring our binary Start by running it, and entering any arbitrary string. On entering a fairly large string, say, “A” × 20, we@@ -115,7 +115,7 @@
Now that we have an overview of what’s in the binary, let’s formulate a method of exploitation by messing around with inputs. -### Messing around with inputs :^) +## Messing around with inputs :^) Back to `gdb`, hit `r` to run and pass in a patterned input, like in the screenshot.@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@ ```
Clean and mean. -### The exploit +## The exploit To write the exploit, we’ll use Python and the absolute godsend of a library — `struct`. It allows us to pack the bytes of addresses to the endianness of our choice.@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ when the pipe closes, since there’s no input coming in from STDIN.
To get around this, we use `cat(1)` which allows us to relay input through it to the shell. Nifty trick. -### Conclusion +## Conclusion This was a fairly basic challenge, with everything laid out conveniently. Actual ropchaining is a little more involved, with a lot more gadgets to be chained
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ The Internet Society or ISOC, the group that created the PIR, has
decided to sell the registry over to a private equity firm -- Ethos Capital. -### What's the problem? +## What's the problem? There are around 10 million .ORG TLDs registered, and a good portion of them are non-profits and non-governmental organizations. As the name@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ Sure, these are just "what ifs" and speculations, but the risk is real.
Such power can be abused and this would be severly detrimental to NGOs globally. -### How can I help? +## How can I help? We need to get the ISOC to **stop the sale**. Head over to https://savedotorg.org and sign their letter. An email is sent on your@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ * Jon Nevett, CEO, PIR
* Maarten Botterman, Board Chair, ICANN * Göran Marby, CEO, ICANN -### Closing thoughts +## Closing thoughts The Internet that we all love and care for is slowly being subsumed by megacorps and private firms, who's only motive is to make a profit. The
@@ -222,6 +222,10 @@ color: unset;
background: unset; } +.subtitle { + font-style: italic; +} + h1, h2, h3 { font-weight: normal; }
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ <div class="content">
<div align="left"> <code>{{ date }}</code> <h1>{{ title }}</h1> - <h2>{{ subtitle }}</h2> + <h2 class="subtitle">{{ subtitle }}</h2> {{ body }} </div> <p class="muted">Questions or comments?