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Weekly update post, 2019-09-27

Signed-off-by: Anirudh Oppiliappan <>
Anirudh Oppiliappan
Fri, 27 Sep 2019 16:01:39 +0530




A build/blog/2019-09-27/index.html

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My last &#8220;weekly&#8221; update was 10 days ago, and a lot has happened +since then. Let&#8217;s get right into it!</p> + +<h3 id="my-switch-to-alpine">My switch to Alpine</h3> + +<p>Previously, I ran Debian with Buster/Sid repos, and ever since this happened</p> + +<div class="codehilite"><pre><span></span><code>$ dpkg --list <span class="p">|</span> wc -l +<span class="m">3817</span> + +<span class="c1"># or something in that ballpark</span> +</code></pre></div> + +<p>I&#8217;ve been wanting to reduce my system&#8217;s package count.</p> + +<p>Thus, I began my search for a smaller, simpler and lighter distro with a fairly +sane package manager. I did come across Dylan Araps&#8217; +<a href="">KISS Linux</a> project, but it seemed a little too hands-on +for me (and still relatively new). I finally settled on +<a href="">Alpine Linux</a>. According to their website:</p> + +<blockquote> + <p>Alpine Linux is a security-oriented, lightweight Linux distribution based + on musl libc and busybox.</p> +</blockquote> + +<p>The installation was a breeze, and I was quite surprised to see WiFi working +OOTB. In the past week of my using this distro, the only major hassle I faced +was getting my Minecraft launcher to run. The JRE isn&#8217;t fully ported to <code>musl</code> +yet.<sup class="footnote-ref" id="fnref-1"><a href="#fn-1">1</a></sup> The solution to that is fairly trivial and I plan to write about it +soon. (hint: it involves chroots)</p> + +<p><img src="/static/img/rice-2019-09-27.png" alt="rice" /></p> + +<h3 id="packaging-for-alpine">Packaging for Alpine</h3> + +<p>On a related note, I&#8217;ve been busy packaging some of the stuff I use for Alpine +&#8211; you can see my personal <a href="">aports</a> +repository if you&#8217;re interested. I&#8217;m currently working on packaging Nim too, so +keep an eye out for that in the coming week.</p> + +<h3 id="talk-selection-at-pycon-india">Talk selection at PyCon India!</h3> + +<p>Yes! My buddy Raghav (<a href="">@_vologue</a>) and I are +going to be speaking at PyCon India about our recent smart lock security +research. The conference is happening in Chennai, much to our convenience. +If you&#8217;re attending too, hit me up on Twitter and we can hang!</p> + +<h3 id="other">Other</h3> + +<p>That essentially sums up the <em>technical</em> stuff that I did. My Russian is going +strong, my reading however, hasn&#8217;t. I have <em>yet</em> to finish those books! This +week, for sure.</p> + +<p>Musically, I&#8217;ve been experimenting. I tried a bit of hip-hop and chilltrap, and +I think I like it? I still find myself coming back to metalcore/deathcore. +Here&#8217;s a list of artists I discovered (and liked) recently:</p> + +<ul> +<li><a href="">Before I Turn</a></li> +<li>生 Conform 死 (couldn&#8217;t find any official YouTube video, check Spotify)</li> +<li><a href="">Treehouse Burning</a></li> +<li><a href="">Lee McKinney</a></li> +<li><a href="">Berried Alive</a> (rediscovered)</li> +</ul> + +<p>That&#8217;s it for now, I&#8217;ll see you next week!</p> + +<div class="footnotes"> +<hr /> +<ol> +<li id="fn-1"> +<p>The <a href="">Portola Project</a>&#160;<a href="#fnref-1" class="footnoteBackLink" title="Jump back to footnote 1 in the text.">&#8617;</a></p> +</li> +</ol> +</div> + + </div> + <hr /> + <p class="muted">Questions or comments? Open an issue at <a href="">this repo</a>, or send a plain-text email to <a href=""></a>.</p> + <footer> + <a href=""> + <img class="footimgs" src="/static/cc.svg"> + </a> + <a href="" target="_blank"> + <img class="footimgs" alt="xxiivv webring" src="/static/webring.svg"> + </a> + + </footer> + </body> + </div> + </html>
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</image> <language>en-us</language> <copyright>Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0</copyright> - <item><title>Weekly status update, 09/08 - 09/17</title><description><![CDATA[<p>This is something new I&#8217;m trying out, in an effort to write more frequently + <item><title>Weekly status update, 09/17 - 09/27</title><description><![CDATA[<p>It&#8217;s a lazy Friday afternoon here; yet another off day this week thanks to my +uni&#8217;s fest. My last &#8220;weekly&#8221; update was 10 days ago, and a lot has happened +since then. Let&#8217;s get right into it!</p> + +<h3 id="my-switch-to-alpine">My switch to Alpine</h3> + +<p>Previously, I ran Debian with Buster/Sid repos, and ever since this happened</p> + +<div class="codehilite"><pre><span></span><code>$ dpkg --list <span class="p">|</span> wc -l +<span class="m">3817</span> + +<span class="c1"># or something in that ballpark</span> +</code></pre></div> + +<p>I&#8217;ve been wanting to reduce my system&#8217;s package count.</p> + +<p>Thus, I began my search for a smaller, simpler and lighter distro with a fairly +sane package manager. I did come across Dylan Araps&#8217; +<a href="">KISS Linux</a> project, but it seemed a little too hands-on +for me (and still relatively new). I finally settled on +<a href="">Alpine Linux</a>. According to their website:</p> + +<blockquote> + <p>Alpine Linux is a security-oriented, lightweight Linux distribution based + on musl libc and busybox.</p> +</blockquote> + +<p>The installation was a breeze, and I was quite surprised to see WiFi working +OOTB. In the past week of my using this distro, the only major hassle I faced +was getting my Minecraft launcher to run. The JRE isn&#8217;t fully ported to <code>musl</code> +yet.<sup class="footnote-ref" id="fnref-1"><a href="#fn-1">1</a></sup> The solution to that is fairly trivial and I plan to write about it +soon. (hint: it involves chroots)</p> + +<p><img src="/static/img/rice-2019-09-27.png" alt="rice" /></p> + +<h3 id="packaging-for-alpine">Packaging for Alpine</h3> + +<p>On a related note, I&#8217;ve been busy packaging some of the stuff I use for Alpine +&#8211; you can see my personal <a href="">aports</a> +repository if you&#8217;re interested. I&#8217;m currently working on packaging Nim too, so +keep an eye out for that in the coming week.</p> + +<h3 id="talk-selection-at-pycon-india">Talk selection at PyCon India!</h3> + +<p>Yes! My buddy Raghav (<a href="">@_vologue</a>) and I are +going to be speaking at PyCon India about our recent smart lock security +research. The conference is happening in Chennai, much to our convenience. +If you&#8217;re attending too, hit me up on Twitter and we can hang!</p> + +<h3 id="other">Other</h3> + +<p>That essentially sums up the <em>technical</em> stuff that I did. My Russian is going +strong, my reading however, hasn&#8217;t. I have <em>yet</em> to finish those books! This +week, for sure.</p> + +<p>Musically, I&#8217;ve been experimenting. I tried a bit of hip-hop and chilltrap, and +I think I like it? I still find myself coming back to metalcore/deathcore. +Here&#8217;s a list of artists I discovered (and liked) recently:</p> + +<ul> +<li><a href="">Before I Turn</a></li> +<li>生 Conform 死 (couldn&#8217;t find any official YouTube video, check Spotify)</li> +<li><a href="">Treehouse Burning</a></li> +<li><a href="">Lee McKinney</a></li> +<li><a href="">Berried Alive</a> (rediscovered)</li> +</ul> + +<p>That&#8217;s it for now, I&#8217;ll see you next week!</p> + +<div class="footnotes"> +<hr /> +<ol> +<li id="fn-1"> +<p>The <a href="">Portola Project</a>&#160;<a href="#fnref-1" class="footnoteBackLink" title="Jump back to footnote 1 in the text.">&#8617;</a></p> +</li> +</ol> +</div> +]]></description><link></link><pubDate>Fri, 27 Sep 2019 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid></item><item><title>Weekly status update, 09/08 - 09/17</title><description><![CDATA[<p>This is something new I&#8217;m trying out, in an effort to write more frequently and to serve as a log of how I&#8217;m using my time. In theory, I will write this post every week. I&#8217;ll need someone to hold me accountable if I don&#8217;t. I have yet to decide on a format for this, but it will probably include a quick summary of the work I did,
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<h1 id="rssblogfeedxml">блог (<a href="/blog/feed.xml">rss</a>)</h1> <p><!&#8211;marker&#8211;!> -<code>2019-09-17</code> <a href="/blog/2019-09-17">Weekly status update, 09/08 - 09/17</a></p> +<code>2019-09-27</code> <a href="/blog/2019-09-27">Weekly status update, 09/17 - 09/27</a></p> + +<p><code>2019-09-17</code> <a href="/blog/2019-09-17">Weekly status update, 09/08 - 09/17</a></p> <p><code>2019-09-10</code> <a href="/blog/disinfo">Disinformation demystified</a></p>
M build/index.htmlbuild/index.html

@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ or via <a href="">Twitter</a> DMs.</p>

<h1 id="latest-post">latest post</h1> -<p><code>2019-09-17</code> <a href="/blog/2019-09-17">Weekly status update, 09/08 - 09/17</a></p> +<p><code>2019-09-27</code> <a href="/blog/2019-09-27">Weekly status update, 09/17 - 09/27</a></p> <p>(<a href="/blog">see all</a>)</p>
M pages/_index.mdpages/

@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ or via [Twitter]( DMs.

# latest post -`2019-09-17` [Weekly status update, 09/08 - 09/17](/blog/2019-09-17) +`2019-09-27` [Weekly status update, 09/17 - 09/27](/blog/2019-09-27) ([see all](/blog))
A pages/blog/

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+--- +template: text.html +title: Weekly status update, 09/17 - 09/27 +subtitle: Alpine Linux shenaningans and more +date: 2019-09-27 +--- + +It's a lazy Friday afternoon here; yet another off day this week thanks to my +uni's fest. My last "weekly" update was 10 days ago, and a lot has happened +since then. Let's get right into it! + +### My switch to Alpine + +Previously, I ran Debian with Buster/Sid repos, and ever since this happened + +```shell +$ dpkg --list | wc -l +3817 + +# or something in that ballpark +``` + +I've been wanting to reduce my system's package count. + +Thus, I began my search for a smaller, simpler and lighter distro with a fairly +sane package manager. I did come across Dylan Araps' +[KISS Linux]( project, but it seemed a little too hands-on +for me (and still relatively new). I finally settled on +[Alpine Linux]( According to their website: + +> Alpine Linux is a security-oriented, lightweight Linux distribution based +> on musl libc and busybox. + +The installation was a breeze, and I was quite surprised to see WiFi working +OOTB. In the past week of my using this distro, the only major hassle I faced +was getting my Minecraft launcher to run. The JRE isn't fully ported to `musl` +yet.[^1] The solution to that is fairly trivial and I plan to write about it +soon. (hint: it involves chroots) + +![rice](/static/img/rice-2019-09-27.png) + +### Packaging for Alpine + +On a related note, I've been busy packaging some of the stuff I use for Alpine +-- you can see my personal [aports]( +repository if you're interested. I'm currently working on packaging Nim too, so +keep an eye out for that in the coming week. + +### Talk selection at PyCon India! + +Yes! My buddy Raghav ([@_vologue]( and I are +going to be speaking at PyCon India about our recent smart lock security +research. The conference is happening in Chennai, much to our convenience. +If you're attending too, hit me up on Twitter and we can hang! + +### Other + +That essentially sums up the _technical_ stuff that I did. My Russian is going +strong, my reading however, hasn't. I have _yet_ to finish those books! This +week, for sure. + +Musically, I've been experimenting. I tried a bit of hip-hop and chilltrap, and +I think I like it? I still find myself coming back to metalcore/deathcore. +Here's a list of artists I discovered (and liked) recently: + +- [Before I Turn]( +- 生 Conform 死 (couldn't find any official YouTube video, check Spotify) +- [Treehouse Burning]( +- [Lee McKinney]( +- [Berried Alive]( (rediscovered) + +That's it for now, I'll see you next week! + +[^1]: The [Portola Project](
M pages/blog/_index.mdpages/blog/

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# блог ([rss](/blog/feed.xml)) <!--marker--!> +`2019-09-27` [Weekly status update, 09/17 - 09/27](/blog/2019-09-27) + `2019-09-17` [Weekly status update, 09/08 - 09/17](/blog/2019-09-17) `2019-09-10` [Disinformation demystified](/blog/disinfo)
M pages/blog/feed.xmlpages/blog/feed.xml

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</image> <language>en-us</language> <copyright>Creative Commons BY-NC-SA 4.0</copyright> - <item><title>Weekly status update, 09/08 - 09/17</title><description><![CDATA[<p>This is something new I&#8217;m trying out, in an effort to write more frequently + <item><title>Weekly status update, 09/17 - 09/27</title><description><![CDATA[<p>It&#8217;s a lazy Friday afternoon here; yet another off day this week thanks to my +uni&#8217;s fest. My last &#8220;weekly&#8221; update was 10 days ago, and a lot has happened +since then. Let&#8217;s get right into it!</p> + +<h3 id="my-switch-to-alpine">My switch to Alpine</h3> + +<p>Previously, I ran Debian with Buster/Sid repos, and ever since this happened</p> + +<div class="codehilite"><pre><span></span><code>$ dpkg --list <span class="p">|</span> wc -l +<span class="m">3817</span> + +<span class="c1"># or something in that ballpark</span> +</code></pre></div> + +<p>I&#8217;ve been wanting to reduce my system&#8217;s package count.</p> + +<p>Thus, I began my search for a smaller, simpler and lighter distro with a fairly +sane package manager. I did come across Dylan Araps&#8217; +<a href="">KISS Linux</a> project, but it seemed a little too hands-on +for me (and still relatively new). I finally settled on +<a href="">Alpine Linux</a>. According to their website:</p> + +<blockquote> + <p>Alpine Linux is a security-oriented, lightweight Linux distribution based + on musl libc and busybox.</p> +</blockquote> + +<p>The installation was a breeze, and I was quite surprised to see WiFi working +OOTB. In the past week of my using this distro, the only major hassle I faced +was getting my Minecraft launcher to run. The JRE isn&#8217;t fully ported to <code>musl</code> +yet.<sup class="footnote-ref" id="fnref-1"><a href="#fn-1">1</a></sup> The solution to that is fairly trivial and I plan to write about it +soon. (hint: it involves chroots)</p> + +<p><img src="/static/img/rice-2019-09-27.png" alt="rice" /></p> + +<h3 id="packaging-for-alpine">Packaging for Alpine</h3> + +<p>On a related note, I&#8217;ve been busy packaging some of the stuff I use for Alpine +&#8211; you can see my personal <a href="">aports</a> +repository if you&#8217;re interested. I&#8217;m currently working on packaging Nim too, so +keep an eye out for that in the coming week.</p> + +<h3 id="talk-selection-at-pycon-india">Talk selection at PyCon India!</h3> + +<p>Yes! My buddy Raghav (<a href="">@_vologue</a>) and I are +going to be speaking at PyCon India about our recent smart lock security +research. The conference is happening in Chennai, much to our convenience. +If you&#8217;re attending too, hit me up on Twitter and we can hang!</p> + +<h3 id="other">Other</h3> + +<p>That essentially sums up the <em>technical</em> stuff that I did. My Russian is going +strong, my reading however, hasn&#8217;t. I have <em>yet</em> to finish those books! This +week, for sure.</p> + +<p>Musically, I&#8217;ve been experimenting. I tried a bit of hip-hop and chilltrap, and +I think I like it? I still find myself coming back to metalcore/deathcore. +Here&#8217;s a list of artists I discovered (and liked) recently:</p> + +<ul> +<li><a href="">Before I Turn</a></li> +<li>生 Conform 死 (couldn&#8217;t find any official YouTube video, check Spotify)</li> +<li><a href="">Treehouse Burning</a></li> +<li><a href="">Lee McKinney</a></li> +<li><a href="">Berried Alive</a> (rediscovered)</li> +</ul> + +<p>That&#8217;s it for now, I&#8217;ll see you next week!</p> + +<div class="footnotes"> +<hr /> +<ol> +<li id="fn-1"> +<p>The <a href="">Portola Project</a>&#160;<a href="#fnref-1" class="footnoteBackLink" title="Jump back to footnote 1 in the text.">&#8617;</a></p> +</li> +</ol> +</div> +]]></description><link></link><pubDate>Fri, 27 Sep 2019 00:00:00 +0000</pubDate><guid></guid></item><item><title>Weekly status update, 09/08 - 09/17</title><description><![CDATA[<p>This is something new I&#8217;m trying out, in an effort to write more frequently and to serve as a log of how I&#8217;m using my time. In theory, I will write this post every week. I&#8217;ll need someone to hold me accountable if I don&#8217;t. I have yet to decide on a format for this, but it will probably include a quick summary of the work I did,